Opera 9.5 aka Kestrel (Status: Betaversion)

Nächste Runde...

Profile-Guided Optimizations - Desktop Team - by Opera Desktop Team

Known Issues
[Bug 327180] Dragonfly does not work when JavaScript is disabled.
[Bug 324985] International installer on Windows is broken when using some languages.
[Bug 324377] Save Linked Content As fails sporadically.
[Bug 327333] Some SVGs do not paint on Windows.
[Bug 328186] Crash when using Master Password.
[Bug 324727] The Octoshape plug-in causes Opera to crash on start-up.
The tab bar on Mac may mix up favicon/text placement.

Fix for reloading inline elements.
Fixed cookie settings for local server names.
Fixed forwarding, replying and redirecting of HTML-only mails.
Fixed high CPU usage when subscribed only to the IMAP Inbox folder on GMail.
F8 now works again to focus address field when focus is in panels.
[Bug 328318] Wand button is fixed again.
Fixed problem downloading POP mail from bellsouth.net (and other providers).
Fixed extensions in File > Save As and File > Open dialogs.

UNIX specific:
Fixed updating of Google Maps when panning
CJK fonts should now look better in the default setup
Was genau ist das? Möchte mir nicht alles durchlesen und werde aus dem ersten Beitrag, diesem "Englisch"-Kauderwelch nicht schlau. Was genau macht Kestrel?
Was genau macht Kestrel?
Alles besser als die alten Opera Versionen - wenn es fertig ist ;)

Im Moment sind die ganzen Sachen, die hier gepostet werden, Opera-Browser-Entwicklungs-Schnappschüsse, die nur von Leuten beutzt werden sollten, die auch in der Lage sind, einen Bug Report (= qualifizierter Fehlerbericht) auf englisch zu schreiben.

Alle Schnappschüsse sind mit Fehlern behaftet und dienen lediglich dazu, betimmte neue Codefragmente zu testen, damit später einmal die "Endverbraucher" eine stabile und möglichst fehlerfreie Version bekommen. Weiterhin kann man sich auch neue "Features" wünschen und hoffen, dass sie ins Endprodukt einfließen...

Alles in Allem:
Wenn Du mit den englischen "Changelogs" nicht zurecht kommst, ist diese Version noch nichts für Dich. <- Das ist nicht beleidigend oder herabsetzend gemeint und gilt auch für alle Anderen, bei denen das so ist.
Alles in Allem:
Wenn Du mit den englischen "Changelogs" nicht zurecht kommst, ist diese Version noch nichts für Dich. <- Das ist nicht beleidigend oder herabsetzend gemeint und gilt auch für alle Anderen, bei denen das so ist.

Mit ging es mehr um die Anglizismen ;)
Alles klar, dann warte ich noch, bis es fertig ist, man hört sich sicherlich hier wieder ;)
Ich bin dafür, alle fremdsprachlichen Ausdrücke aus der deutschen Sprache zu verbannen. Statt Fenster (lat) sollte man Loch in der Wand (nicht "Mauer", das ist auch Latein) sagen und statt 4-Zylinder-Auto-Explosionsmotor 4-Topf-Zerknallselbsttreibling... ;)
Ich bin dafür, alle fremdsprachlichen Ausdrücke aus der deutschen Sprache zu verbannen. Statt Fenster (lat) sollte man Loch in der Wand (nicht "Mauer", das ist auch Latein) sagen und statt 4-Zylinder-Auto-Explosionsmotor 4-Topf-Zerknallselbsttreibling... ;)

Erdmöbel für Sarg und statt Fenster ganz klar fenestra. Ich meine aber eher so etwas: https://www.supernature-forum.de/755330-post37.html ;) Vorletzter Satz und so...
Stability is this week's word

Lots of work has gone into stability this last week. Other highlights are new package names (see details here), and fully localized UNIX packages.

Known issues
Some dialogs do not have initial focus
[Bug 327180] Dragonfly does not work when JavaScript is disabled
[Bug 324377] Save Linked Content As fails sporadically

Address field buttons are now updated correctly in all circumstances
Fixed international installer on Windows
Fixed several Wand issues

Lots of stability fixes:
crash on digg.com
crash with master password
crash on google maps
crash on a rather common javascript function...
crash when printing
crash when reloading a page...

Fix for Apple Mail import.
Filters and folders are now distinguishable
Attachments in multipart/related body part are now recognized properly
Reverted special handling of Delete in filter views - 'Del' always moves to Trash bin, 'Shift+Del' now deletes completely without using the Trash bin.

Several fixes to the undo functionality, such as e.g.:
undo after marking all as read should work now.
undo now reverts marking as spam
undo removing from filter

Windows specific:
Fixed painting of some SVG

UNIX specific:
It is now possible again to drag'n'drop URLs
All packages are now fully localized!
3 Tage später...

... schon wieder eine neue Version (glücklicherweise wird der Fokus wieder auf die boardeigenen Dialoge gesetzt, z. B. beim Einfügen einer URL oder ähnlichem... sehr nervig bei der letzten Build...)

A lighter EV - Desktop Team - by Opera Desktop Team

Known issues:
[Bug 327180] Dragonfly does not work when JavaScript is disabled.
[Bug 324377] Save Linked Content As fails sporadically.
[Bug 332406] The drop-downs in the various dialogs open behind the dialog on Mac.
Netvibes.com fails to load in this Windows build.

New EV status policy.
Fixed a crash when quitting with master password dialog open.
Fixed a history navigation crash.
Fixed a crash related to Dragonfly.
Fixed handling of local resource files when installing Opera in a location with special characters in the path.
Fixed an issue where Wand shortcuts stopped working after history navigation.
Fixed filtering of messages in the error console - the filter will also apply to future events.
Fixed initial focus in dialogs.

Fixed plugin focus issues on rtl.de.
Fixed an issue where the window doesn't activate completely when clicked.
Fixed repaint issues when pages are made shorter.
Fixed an issue where text gets cut off in SELECT element.

Fixed some font selection issues.
Fixed some mouse panning issues.
Fixed listing of files in the GTK filechooser.

Fixed default Save and Open location.
Fixed a registry corruption of values used when other applications open Opera, caused by the classic installer.
Fixed listing of files in the Open dialog.
Saving web pages now correctly adds the extension.
Das interessanteste an der Meldung war für mich folgendes:
"At the recent face-to-face meeting with the Web Security Context Working Group, we have agreed with other vendors on this behaviour as an industry standard."
Bei einem persönlichen Treffen mit der Web Security Context Arbeitsgruppe haben wir uns mit anderen Herstellern auf dieses Verhalten (eingefügt: bei der erweiterten Sicherheitsüberprüfung von Webseiten) als Industriestandard geeinigt.

Das bedeutet:
Nun kann sich kein Webseitenbeteiber mehr herausreden, wenn seine Seite durch die Sicherheitsüberprüfung beim Phishing Schutz durchrasselt. Ab sofort ist es seine eigene Schuld und nicht mehr die des Browsers, da sich in Zukunft alle einheitlich verhalten werden. Hoffentlich hält sich auch M$ daran... ;)
Ich pöste einfach mal schödes C&P:
have a new build for you to play with. We are trying to get it more stable now so look out for crashers and regressions :)

We also are experimenting a bit with Dragonfly tab handling - Dragonfly now opens inside the Opera window. To detach it again use this button (drag the link to a toolbar): Detach

WARNING: These are development snapshots: they contain the latest changes, but they also have severe known issues, including crashes and data loss situations. In fact, they may not work at all.

Known issues:
Dragonfly does not work when JavaScript is disabled.
Dragonfly doesn't work on Mac
Problems with repaint when scrolling pages etc
Save Linked Content As fails sporadically.
Marking messages Unread in the Trash view will actually permanently delete them.
Text selections don't draw correctly in Opera Mail and MHTML documents.

Fixed Opera icon in add/remove programs in Windows Vista
Startup is now a lot faster when having many bookmarks
Made http authentication work in Widgets again
UNIX: Fixed wrong dependency on libqt3-mt in static deb packages
Check spelling item is grayed out when mouse cursor is not over textarea
Better handling of local cookies
Progress bar briefly appears below address bar while loading sites with an iframe
Image title isn't displayed in tooltip when the image is a link
Fixed the missing tag list on del.icio.us
Fixed an issue with pages that never finished loading
Fixed a jQuery/Backbase regression
Fixed display of Japanese file names in Mail
Fixed an issue where clicking an input type=image fired click then blur
Fixed "match whole word only"
onmousedown="this.focus()" caused onblur event
Fixed search completion on Facebook
Password not sent for NNTP accounts
Check spelling item is grayed out when mouse cursor is not over textarea

Fixed Wand shortcut after going back in history
Fixed the look of input type=number controls
Fixed dropdowns in Appearance dialog (and a few other places)

Download hier: Busy busy busy - Desktop Team - by Opera Desktop Team

Happy Opera-ting :)
Ey, die Versionen folgen Schlag auf Schlag... Entweder droht eine neue Beta, oder die haben echt vor, Kestrel langsam aus dem Nest zu werfen :D

Another round of builds, this time with more polish to the Dragonfly integrated window, as well as small, but important improvements all over. Also, the repaint issues should be fixed.

WARNING: These are development snapshots: they contain the latest changes, but they also have severe known issues, including crashes and data loss situations. In fact, they may not work at all.

Known issues:
Dragonfly does not work when JavaScript is disabled.

Downloads should work better now
Fixed bug where you could not open attachments in mail with unknown MIME type
Rendering improvements to CJK text
Reduced memory usage
Fixed a print preview crash
Fetching feeds now times out correctly
Importing mail from mbs files no longer creates tons of filters on Windows
Improved display of unselectable IMAP mailboxes
No longer expunge mail marked as read in trash
Added ability to use favicon for Dragonfly
Polishing the integrated Dragonfly
Fixed crash when having user CSS and using Dragonfly
Added bookmark title and URL to the address bar auto-completion
Improved matching of URLs in the address bar drop-down
Fixed downloading of ISO files from FTP servers
Fixed Wand logins where the submit button was initially disabled
Fixed Paste and Go on UNIX

Polish, stability and other things - Desktop Team - by Opera Desktop Team
Offensichtlich haben die im Moment ein Problem mit dem Desktop Blog RSS Feed, hab die Meldung erst gerade eben bekommen, genau wie bei den letzten beiden Versionen, da kam sie teilweise erst 2 Tage später :motz

Egal, weiter... habe ich auch nur zufällig entdeckt, in der Firma ist Operas Desktopteam inzw. dem Contentblocker zum Opfer gefallen :(

Looking Sharp - Desktop Team - by Opera Desktop Team

Known issues:
Dragonfly does not work when JavaScript is disabled.
All the search icons are Opera icons
Translate menu doesn't work
Panel dropdown selector doesn't work

Fixed links in the fraud protection dialog
Fixed crash when saving mhtml files
Fixed random crasher when going back in history
Fixed moving videos on youtube when hovering tabs
Made form submit work properly in widgets
Fixed bug where plugins would continue streaming after closing a tab
XHR - Fixed calling of calling abort() from readyState 2 or 3
More fixes to xpath
Fixed viewing of feeds with slow loading images
Fixed problem with duplication of bookmarks when using Opera Link
Fixed issue where the integrated Dragonfly window would be too tall
Added three default speed dial entries
Windows: Fixed the default Save and Open dialog folders
UNIX: Fixed import of mail on when using the QT filechooser
UNIX: Improved finding of icons for download dialog
UNIX: Fixed filename when saving URL's
Nimm doch die: Turtle Wax - Desktop Team - by Opera Desktop Team

300 skin comments in a day We have tried to polish at least some of
the areas you commented on:

Improved contrast between active and inactive tabs in the tab bar
Higher contrast for the text on inactive tabs to increase readability, especially on laptops
Brighter background in the panels
A tiny bit more color: We added the Home button as default by popular demand
We tuned the color intensity of the color themes (Tools: Appearance: Color scheme) to be more usable with both this and other skins. Try it out again!
Improved visibility of the scrollbars
Buttons no longer grow wider when you press them
Nicer background for security status on https pages

WARNING: These are development snapshots: they contain the latest changes, but they also have severe known issues, including crashes and data loss situations. In fact, they may not work at all.

Known issues:
Dragonfly does not work when JavaScript is disabled.

Fixed the panel selector dropdown
Fixed all search related bugs in the previous snapshot
Changed default Speed dial search engine from Yahoo to Ask
Made it possible to set a custom title for the Developer Tools (Dragonfly) Window using <title> in the tool top level document
Fixed a plugin crash
Opera 9.5 Release Candidate!

So, diesmal bin ich aber rechtzeitig:

Es ist soweit, der erste Release Candidate ist da!
Opera 9.5 RC - Prepare for launch - by Opera Desktop Team

Bitte aufpassen beim testen, der wird bei der normalen Installation zum default Browser anstelle der 9.27! Wer das nicht möchte, sollte also bei der Installation genau hinsehen und das richtige auswählen ;)
changelog schrieb:
Copied the latest Dragonfly to the live servers - Check out their blog for the latest info

Various stability fixes

Opera no longer wants to update a nonexistent mail store when upgrading from 9.2 to 9.5

'Download message bodies' is now enabled on all POP accounts

Fixed a loss of filter rules on upgrade from 9.2

Fixed an issue with a missing Panel button

Fixed an issue where the 'New tab' toolbar was hidden behind the panel toggle button when no tabs were open

Added sharper panel selector icons

Fixed dragging of multiple items in the bookmark manager

Fixed Russian and German dictionary search

Improvements in backwards compatibility with skins

Fixed login with cookie on the 31st of all months :bug:

Mac specific changes

The disk image should work on Mac OS X 10.2 again

Some improvements to the Mac Native skin
win10057 mac4865 X2034

Wie stabil ist denn 9.50 RC?

Kann ich den (einigermaßen) gefahrlos über mein bestehendes Opera drüber bügeln oder empfiehlt sich eine getrennte Installation?
Kopier dir sicherheitshalber deine bestehende 9.2x auf einen Stick. Dann drüberinstallieren. Aber Obacht, neue, gewöhnungsbedürftige Skin...

Versuch macht kluch :p
also ich bin noch nicht zufrieden mit der 9.5. ok, stabil ist sie bisher schon, aber es funktioniert so einiges nicht auf manchen seiten - stichwort menünavigation. bei der 9.2 gab es diese probleme nicht. und dies hat sich von 10051 zu 10057 leider nicht geändert. ich empfehle daher dringend eine eigene installation zu wählen und die 9.2 weiterhin zu behalten.