Crysis Mods einbinden?


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Ich habe mir vorhin einen Zombie Mod für Crysis runtergeladen.Jedoch wenn ich es nach dieser Anleitung mache

1. Open the "" file and extract the objects folder into your Crysis\Game folder.
2. Go to your Crysis game folder -> Electronic Arts -> Crytek -> Crysis and extract the SS7_Zombies folderstgructure to it
3. Open up your map in the Crysis Sanbox 2 Editor.
4. Open the Database View [View-> Open View Pane-> Database View].
5. In the Entity Library tab, on the top left, click the "Open" folder icon
6. Import the Zombie.xml in your game/Libs/EntityArchetypes folder.
7. Now you see a little note paper icon with the word Grunt next to it. Click and drag that onto your map. (Or use the Zombie tab in the rollup Archetype Entity)
8. Now, with the grunt selected in your map, on the right you see the entity parameters. Near the bottom you see a section called "Flow Graph". Click the "Create" button in this category.
9. Click new, type Zombie, and click "OK".
10. Locate your flowgraph if it didn't pop up [View-> Open View Pane-> Flow Graph]. Your Grunt should already be selected in there.
11. Go to File-> Import, find the Zobie.xml (where you extracted the flowgraph Zombie.xml) in your Crytek/Crysis/ folder and click Open.
12. Now move aside your Flow Graph and Database view. You can easily duplicate the zombies now! Simply click your current zombie and press CTRL+C, move it over and repeat. Do this a few times to make a couple zombies, 5-20 is a decent amount to battle against without immense lag while still having a challenge. Try placing a few, then press CTRL+G to jump ingame.

Klappt es nicht.

Er taucht im Ingamemenü unter Mods nicht auf.
Kann mir irgendjemand idiotensicherverklickern wie das funzt.

Hoffe auf Antworten.:)
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