Neuigkeit Stranded Deep Update


Hallo zusammen.

Lange hat uns das Entwicklerteam von Stranded Deep warten lassen, aber nun haben Sie endlich das langersehnte Update veröffentlicht.

verborgener Text:

Hi guys,

Build 0.05.E3 is now live with some pretty cool new features!

The latest build features a new map and world editor. You can now create your own maps and use them to create your own custom world. There’s also a community side which we’ll be working on getting up and running shortly. When it’s functional you’ll be able to upload your created maps for the rest of the community to download and use in their own world and vice-versa. Once the new editors are more feature complete we’ll be looking into running some competitions for the best map creations to win some exclusive in-game items or SD merch. Fun stuff :) More details on how to use the new systems are in the change log below.

Another gameplay changer is the new crafting menu. We’ve talked about it in our previous blog posts and we’re starting to implement the new system now. A new system was necessary to allow more advanced crafting and less ‘pile-your-junk-up-and-cross-your-fingers’. The new system gathers any objects within a certain area radius of the player and uses them as available crafting materials. Eventually we’ll incorporate more advanced crafting combinations and even ‘stations’ like looms, furnaces, etc that if they’re within your area radius will appear as additional menu options to craft more advanced items. The building menu and combinations still don’t require a hammer for testing which is only temporary. There’s more details on how to use the new menu in the change log. As always, the visual design of all the new systems and UI are works in progress and will improve and change as we receive player feedback.

One last thing to note, please remember to go into your input settings and reset your controls as more than likely the crouch and crafting keys will be bound together because of some new changes.

Have fun!

Stay Alive!
:: Beam Team


Bug Fixes
- Fixed campfire’s automatically placing in the air. This is still part of a larger WIP.
- Fixed fire particles not displaying properly when loaded back.
- Fixed building objects immediately placing.
- Fixed some causes of incorrect resolution changing and stretching.
- Fixed visual errors caused by depth texture banding.
- Fixed missing SMAA antialiasing shader mentioned in last update.

- Increased inventory slots from 8 to 15.
- Improved and smoothed ocean raft rotation.
- Improved lighting to add more contrast.
- Changed key bindings so pressing escape will also cancel constructing.
- Changed key bindings for crouching to default to left ‘Control’ key.
- Changed key binding for crafting menu to default to “C” key.
- Changed various UI menu design elements.

New Content

- Added new UI menus!
There’s been a huge amount of work and time spent refactoring a lot of the UI and design for the new features. The biggest changes you’ll notice are the main menus with new menu options.

- Added a new crafting menu!
To open the new crafting menu you can press the crafting menu key which is setup to use the [C] key by default. It will use any items within a certain radius of the player and any items contained in your backpack. The crafting radius is represented in the world by an orange glow around the player. If you select a combination to craft, a popup dialogue will appear listing the materials required and the quantity you have. If you don’t have enough materials, the quantity will display red and the craft button will be disabled.

- Added a new map editor!
The map editor is a new menu option on the main menu. You can now create your own map tiles to use in your game. You can customise the terrain with various brushes and random generators, import your own height maps and add any objects. With the new world editor it will even be possible to create multi-tile large areas if you’re really keen. We’ll be adding a lot more content and themed packs for this system as things progress.
In the next update we’ll also include procedural slope texturing for mountains and cliffs. We hit a wall with how much we could pack into the terrain shader and didn’t have enough time to refactor for this release.

- Added a new world editor!
The new world editor appears when you click the new “My Game” menu option from the main menu. You’ll see a world map of map tiles and a list of available maps. On the first start you’ll be asked to create a new world. When you create a new world, it will fill your world with procedural maps (like it always has behind the scenes). You now have the option to assign your own maps to any zone in the world to create your own custom world and experience.
The world map displays the world you’ll be using for the game, whether it’s a new game or a saved game. If you ever want to start a completely new game with a new world, click “Create New World” and a new world will be generated.
One of the benefits of this new system is that if you’ve invested several hours into your current game but you’re getting a bit bored, you can add another map into your world, or download the latest community maps without losing your progress. The only progress lost is any objects saved in that zone.
Hopefully that’s enough to get you started, but we’ll be writing up a more complete documentation on how to use all the features soon.

Dev Notes
- Upgraded to latest Unity version 5.2.2.

Mal sehen was die diversen Neuerungen so am Spielspass ändern, für mich jedenfalls ein Grund es (wieder) weiter zu spielen......

Hallo zusammen.

Ja, ist es. Musst die Betas aktiviert haben.

Habe gestern mal ne Stunde reingeschaut.

Einiges ist besser geworden, einiges schlechter und das meiste ist geblieben. ;)

Craftingsystem - Es wird jetzt eine Art Buch aufgeschlagen in dem man sieht was man bauen kann und was dafür benötigt wird.
Craften - das craften ist "billiger" geworden, dh. man braucht teilweise weniger Rohstoffe
Map Editor - Man kann jetzt eigene Inseln erstellen inkl. aller Details.
Grafik - die generelle Grafik, vorallem das Wasser, hat optisch zugelegt....auch der Wellengang. ;)
Pamlen - können nicht mehr gefällt werden, dafür liegt jetzt Treibholz rum und kleinere Bäume (weiss nicht ob es besser oder schlechter ist darum bei beiden Punkten zu finden)
Rucksack - Mehr platz im Rucksack

Grafik - Die Grafik der Foundation, walls etc. geht mal garnicht. vorher bedeutend hübscher
Pamlen - können nicht mehr gefällt werden, dafür liegt jetzt Treibholz rum und kleinere Bäume (weiss nicht ob es besser oder schlechter ist darum bei beiden Punkten zu finden)

Grafik - mein Schatten hat immer noch keinen Körper, es fliegt die Akt durch die Luft

Das ist nur ein kleiner Überblick und natürlich nur meine bescheinden Meinung. :p

Alles klar, werde später mal rein schauen wenn ich von BO3 los kommen sollte :D

Schon lange her als ich das letzte mal Stranded Deep gespielt habe, und da hatte ich mir dieses Haus zusammen gestellt :)


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Also das sieht ja mal alles echt dumm aus, nicht nur die Wände, Böden, Decken sondern auch die normale Plastikflasche sieht echt Shice aus.
Mir macht das gerade echt keinen Spaß, auch wenn die das mit den Wellen jetzt super gemacht haben das gefällt mir aber wo sind die ganzen Haie hin lol?


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Hallo zusammen.

Weiter gehts mit den Updates (aktuell BUILD 0.05.E6):


- Fixed fish having incorrect height bounds with new ocean.
- Fixed fish not entering and exiting polling mode correctly resulting in low numbers.
- Fixed building objects creating new instances of their mesh.
- Fixed campfire not snapping to terrain while placing.
- Fixed low generation of potatoes and shipwrecks.
- Fixed using held item when confirming crafting.

- Map Editor: Fixed instances of pooled game objects being visible under terrain.
- Map Editor: Fixed underwater fog not turning off when toggling ocean visibility.

- Improved performance for SLI/Crossfire systems.
- Improved visuals for distant islands (Still a large work in progress).
- Improved opening and closing the crafting menu by toggling with the crafting menu key.
- Improved visibility of menu cursor icon.
- Increased shadow strength for more contrast.

- New prefab manager for this build.
- New crafting combination manager for this build.
- New icon and sprite manager for this build.


- Added better Crafting Menu!
The new crafting menus have progressed further and now display the various combinations for a category and the materials required to craft. The scrolling views on the crafting tab is temporary, as are the icons and preview images.

- Added a new building tier – Driftwood!
- Added Driftwood Foundation building part.
- Added Driftwood Floor building part.
- Added Driftwood Panel building part.
- Added Driftwood Panel Caps building part.

- Added a new building tier – Wood!
- Added Wood Foundation building part.
- Added Wood Floor building part.
- Added Wood Panel building part.
- Added Wood Panel Caps building part.

- Added a new building tier – Plank!
- Added Plank Foundation building part.
- Added Plank Floor building part.
- Added Plank Panel building part.
- Added Plank Panel Caps building part.

- Added a new building tier – Steel!
- Added Steel Foundation building part.
- Added Steel Floor building part.
- Added Steel Panel building part.
- Added Steel Panel Caps building part.

- Added a new building tier – Corrugated!
- Added Corrugated Foundation building part.
- Added Corrugated Floor building part.
- Added Corrugated Panel building part.
- Added Corrugated Panel Caps building part.

- Added a new building tier – Cloth/Tarp!
- Added Tarp Panel building part.
- Added Tarp Panel Caps building part.

- Added a new building tier – Container!
- Added Shipping Container Panel building part.

- Added a new Salvage part – Shipping Container!
- Added a new Salvage part – Steel Scrap!
- Added a new Salvage part – Corrugated Scrap!
- Added a new Salvage part – Plank Scrap!

- Map Editor: Added hotkeys and key binding for camera movement.
- Map Editor: Added hotkeys and key binding for positioning.
- Map Editor: Added hotkeys and key binding for rotating.
- Map Editor: Added hotkeys and key binding for focusing.
- Map Editor: Added hotkeys and key binding for cloning objects.
- Map Editor: Added hotkeys and key binding for deleting objects.

Verschiedene Böden? :D

Ist das mit dem Meer immer noch so extrem also die Wellen?
Weil das hat mich letztens gestört wo ich das Update gemacht habe, nach 10 Min. hatte ich so Augenschmerzen das ich wieder auf die Normale Version gewechselt bin.
Sieht stark danach aus :D

Du hast auch Steam?
(Kannst mich ja mal Adden - dad188 :))
Ich hab auch Steam, aber das habe ich mit Hidden schon durch, ich nutze es nur zum freischalten bzw. downloaden von Spielen.
Ich habe ehrlich gesagt nicht mal eine Ahnung, wie ich da jemanden adde :ROFLMAO:
Haha ok, dann mal ein schnelles Tutorial :ROFLMAO:

Rechte Maustaste auf das Steam Icon in der Taskleiste --> Freunde


Nun geht ein Neues Fenster auf, da einfach den Namen eingeben...


Nach ein paar Sekunden sollte dir sofort der Name angezeigt werden, drauf klicken und als Freund hinzufügen :)


Fertig :D

ein Hotfix für die experimentelle Version 0.05 (somit 0.05.E7) ist nun mit einigen Fehlerbehebungen für fehlende Symbole, Soundprobleme und mehr verfügbar.

  • Heftigen Bug mit Zonen, zu denen leere Objekteinformationen gespeichert werden, so dass diese wieder neu spawnen
  • Falsche Soundeffekte, die bei Gegenständen abgespielt werden, korrigiert
  • Baumfällenanimation und dazugehörige Sounds behoben
  • Fehlender Sound beim Zerschmettern von Steinen behoben
  • Gegenstände, die durch Feuerstellen fallen, behoben
  • Fehlendes Symbol im Inventar für die Plane behoben
  • Fehlendes Symbol für trinkbare Kokosnuss behoben
  • Fehler behoben, der dafür sorgte, dass man das Craftingmenü nicht mehr öffnen konnte wenn andere Menüs geöffnet waren
  • Gegenstände werden nun nicht mehr durch Highlighting hervorgehoben wenn diese Option deaktiviert ist
  • Nicht automatisch markierter "World Seed" Text im dazugehörigen Dialogfenster behoben
  • Map Editor: Tastenbelegungen funktionieren nun wie angedacht
Hallo zusammen.


Neues Update ist da.

Hi everyone,

The latest stable build 0.11 has just been released!

There’s quite a few new items and gameplay tweaks. This build introduces new saving functionality and gameplay. From now on the only way you can save your progress is via a Shelter or Bed. This means shelter will be one of your biggest priorities when first starting the game.

Vitals have been adjusted and there is now more importance on your thirst. With the increased need for fresh water 2 new items have been added – a Water Still and a Water Collector. A Water Still is useful as a slow but sustainable source of fresh water, where the Water Collector can be used to boil and collect salt water. Along with thirst, a new vital has been added – Sleep. It’s pretty straightforward, you will need to sleep to maintain your sleep vital. If your sleep vital is depleted you will not be able to sprint.

A new way to preserve meats has also been added. A Smoker can be crafted and attached to a Fire Pit to allow you to smoke and preserve meats to prevent them from spoiling. Food that has been smoked will not spoil. It’s important to remember that this can take some time for larger meat. Crabs and Shark meat can take up to 12 hours to smoke so you will need to get them smoking fairly soon after catching so that the meat doesn't spoil before it is smoked.

The starting Water Bottle and Knife have been removed. You will now be required to create a basic Stone Tool to be able to cut down or harvest resources on an island. It’s a pretty rubbish tool but it will allow you to gather resources to create better tools. Drinkable Coconuts can now also be refilled like a Water Bottle, but with a smaller capacity. The Camp Fire’s mechanics have also changed slightly and the details are covered in the patch notes.

Have fun :)

Stay Alive!
Beam Team

- Fixed literal bugs on Lantern highlighting.
- Fixed Bed sleeping until 12:00am instead of a full 9 hours.
- Fixed billboard lighting not updating after sleeping.
- Fixed Camp Fire particles getting culled incorrectly with different camera angles.
- Fixed a possibility of the loading screen failing to fade out after loading when skipping tutorial.

- Removed starting Knife and Water Bottle.
- Changed Save game functionality to require a Shelter or Bed.
- Added notification hint for Watch functionality.
- Added Thirst and Health reduction while sleeping.

- Adjusted Thirst and Hunger vitals.
Your thirst now depletes in 1 game day and your hunger depletes in 3 game days. When your thirst or hunger has depleted you will begin to loose health. Your health will deteriorate in 24 game hours and when your health is depleted you will die. If thirst and hunger are kept above 70% you will regenerate your health in 24 game hours.

- Changed Coconuts so that only Coconut Half’s spoil.
- Changed Drinkable Coconuts to now be refillable like the Water Bottle.
- Changed Yucca and Potato growth to work off new game time.
- Changed spoiled food to destroy after 5 days when re-entering a zone.
- Added Farming Plots getting watered by rain even if not in same zone.
- Added Buckets getting watered by rain even if not in same zone.
- Added ability to extinguish Camp Fires.
- Converted Camp Fire burning time to operate on new game time.
- Converted Food cooking times to operate on new game time.
- Converted Player Stats and effects to operate on new game time.
- Improved Player item IK movement with camera.
- Improved Camera positioning when looking at Watch.
- Added ability to jump to stop using a Raft.
- Added new Rain sound effect.
- Added new Rain particles.
- Added underwater blur effect.
- Added main menu warnings to detect some systems that don’t meet requirements.
- Optimised reflection probe rendering.


- Added updated Camp Fire!
The Camp Fire has been updated with a new model and mechanics. The mechanics are described in the Crafting Snapping patch notes.

- Added new Shelter craftable item!
This is now one of two ways to save your game. You can choose to sleep or save by interacting with the Shelter.

- Added new Sleep vital!
Your sleep now affects your abilities. For now if you’re running low on sleep you will not be able to sprint.

- Added new Crafting Snapping mechanic.
Some craftable objects now function in a similar way to building. You can build a “base” object which can then be extended with more attachments. A good example of this is the Camp Fire – It can be extended with a Fire Pit. Likewise, the Fire Pit can be extended into a Fire Spit. The Fire Spit can also be extended. This system allows crafting smaller constructions to be more customisable and modular like the building system.

- Added new Solar Fresh Water Still craftable item
You can now craft a Solar Water Still to create fresh water. This is one of only a few ways to procure fresh water in the game and will be vital to your survival. You will need to find the items to create within a day or two after reaching shore. Having a steady fresh water supply will also be needed for farming as salt water will negatively affect the hydration of your plots.

- Added new Fresh Water Collector craftable item
You can now craft a Water Collector. You can create fresh water from this item by boiling sea water and collecting the run-off. A Fire Pit extension is required to place a Water Collector.

- Added new Smoker craftable item!
You can now craft a Smoker that attaches to your Camp Fire. You can use a Smoker to smoke and preserve meats to prevent spoiling. A Camp Fire Pit extension is required to place a Smoker.

- Added new Hobo Stove craftable item!
You can now craft a Hobo Stove that attaches to your Camp Fire. A Hobo Stove functions like an upgraded Spit – allowing you to cook multiple items unattended. A Camp Fire Pit extension is required to place a Hobo Stove.

- Added new Fibrous Leaf item!
Lashings are now crafted with the new Fibrous Leaf item you can gather from plants on the islands.

- Added new Building models
Various building tier models have been tweaked and now have more LOD levels.

- Added new Bucket model.

Später mal Testen :)

Nächstes mal alles übersetzen auf Deutsch :ROFLMAO:
Hallo zusammen.

Heute ist das neuste Update erschienen:
Update 0.15 Splash_zpsxgdwaytz.jpg
Hey everyone,

The latest stable build 0.15 has just been released!

Hi everyone,

This update focuses on a section of our roadmap to reclassify tools into two new categories, Crude and Refined. Eventually this will change the focus from finding the good tools, to allowing you to craft them. A refined version of a tool is created by upgrading the existing Crude version. The combo’s to upgrade to refined tools will likely be adjusted when we introduce smaller sundry items like leather and leaves in the future.

We’ve also been hard at work on improving loading times between islands and generating better billboard representations of the islands you’ve discovered. These developments aren’t ready for this release but we’re seeing very promising improvements. The progressive loading and dynamic billboard generation should hopefully be ready for the next update. There’s also some exciting developments with our concepts for the new main menu design, which won’t only improve the aesthetics but will also affect how you enter the game in a cool new way.

Have fun! :)

Stay Alive!
Beam Team

- Fixed being able to switch items with hotkeys while operating a vehicle.
- Fixed bird landing spots causing a hiccup when loading between zones.
- Fixed projectiles stuck in mid-air when crafted.

- Significantly reduced the performance overhead when creating new items at runtime.
- Categorized new and existing crafting items into Crude and Refined.

- Added new Speargun item!
- Added new Speargun Arrow item!
- Added new Airtank model.
- Added new Stone Tool model.
- Added new Refined Knife model.
- Added new Crude Axe model.
- Added new Refined Axe model.
- Added new Crude Spear model.
- Added new Refined Spear item!
- Added new Fishing Spear item!

- Upgraded to Unity 5.4.

Update 0.19 Splash_zpsb4vzngnn.jpg
Hallo zusammen.

Hab leider ein paar Updates nicht gepostet, aber die Tage kam wieder mal eins raus. Aktuell sind wir damit bei 0.19
Hi everyone,

A new stable build 0.19.00 has just been released!

This build transitions our latest work on the experimental branch to the stable branch. If you haven’t been following the progress of our experimental branch, here’s some of the new features included:
New Procedural Island Loading, new Discovery Fog, new Trees and Bushes, better Island generation, new Furniture including Tables, Chairs and Shelves, new Fire Torches, new Hooks, new Main Menu design ...and more!

One of the large new features is the new Progressive Loading system! This is a huge feature. Loading an island is now spread out across multiple frames to minimize the performance hit. This drastically reduces the loading hitch when approaching an island. You will see a small decrease in fps as some CPU power is used to load in all the new objects progressively, but this is still much better than the single large hitch. This had been getting worse as time went on as more objects were added and particularly as island sizes got larger - something that we hadn’t really planned for or ever intended. We’ll still be keeping islands on the smaller size as that was our plan, but the overall experience of traversing between islands is much smoother now.

When playing this build hopefully you will be able to see why we’ve been working on the things we have been – The new terrain billboarding system, the new discovery fog and the new progressive loading all work together for a much nicer and more polished experience overall.
We know work on these core systems is admittedly not as exciting as general content, but the end result is that loading hitches are minimal and islands don’t pop in anymore - That’s a huge improvement and we’re pretty happy about it :)

We don’t want to repeat ourselves too much from previous patch notes so check out the patch notes for the latest experimental builds which go into more detail about the new features:
Progresive Loading, Discovery Fog and New Trees
New Main Menus
Custom Map Fixes
New Furniture, Fire Torches and Hooks

If you have been following the experimental branch, this build features more work on the new main menu UI including a new notification system. We’ve also included a new rudimentary tutorial to go over some basics when you first start the game. The tutorial is optional and can be turned off in the gameplay settings. This is a temporary tutorial until the new intro/tutorial is completed. We’ve included the patch notes between the last experimental branch for consistency.

Also, if you’re having any problems with the game please check out our new troubleshooting guide.
Have fun!

Stay Alive!
:: Beam Team

0.16.H2 - 0.19.00 STABLE CHANGE LOG
- Fixed multiple items missing shadows.
- Fixed Custom Map objects not loading correctly.
- Fixed Custom Maps loading physics objects incorrectly.
- Fixed dialogue buttons going off screen from map loading error messages overflowing.
- Fixed chance of getting stuck in menus when a dialogue window would obscure another dialogue.
- Fixed dialogue input fields accepting a seed value larger than supported.
- Fixed dynamic Terrain Billboards not unsubscribing from zone owner when pooled, causing some distant billboards to turn off incorrectly.
- Fixed Raft crafting ghost knock objects around.
- Fixed objects ‘moving’ incorrectly when picking off Spears.
- Fixed Sun appearing as a ‘cone’ at certain times of day.
- Fixed Sun reflections not aligning with Sun when moving away from starting zone.
- Fixed Grass generating on Sea Forts.
- Fixed player walking and floating on fish while swimming.
- Fixed Dragging and flying on Rafts, Logs, etc (not including Sharks).
- Fixed unable to drag capsized Rafts on rare occurrence.
- Fixed door spawning inside wall on Sea Fort.
- Fixed Loot spawning percentages. Loot containers will 100% spawn an item now.
- Fixed no feedback animation when drinking from a Coconut.
- Fixed Intro end sequence explosion audio.
- Fixed Stingray hitboxes when spearing or shooting.

- Reduced the game’s Memory footprint by almost half.
- Improved creation and loading times of Worlds and Maps significantly.
- Reduced overhead for detection of a Custom Map when loading a zone’s objects.
- Reduced overhead when creating items when loading back a zone.
- Reduced overhead when loading back interactive objects.
- Reduced overhead when connecting raft pieces.
- Revised mechanics for Fruit to pickup to remove from trees instead of interact.
- Revised mechanics for Spit to pickup to remove attached object instead of interact.
- Revised mechanics for Water Collector to pickup to remove attached object instead of interact.
- Improved Dragging responsiveness.
- Improved Ladder climbing mechanics.
- Adjusted Cliff Rock texture to blend better with other rocks.
- Added large Cliff Rocks generating on larger islands.
- Added Ladder rotation support. You can now climb tilted palm trees.
- Added a dialogue to select existing or random world on New Game.
- Changed collision layers for building to allow placing on terrain details like rocks (use with caution).
- Changed collision layers so animals now avoid large cliff rocks.
- Disabled toggling Fullscreen mode in game.
- Reduced Bat and Seagull audio by 50%.
- Reduced player footstep audio by 20%.

- Added new Progressive Loading functionality!
Loading in a new area is spread across multiple frames to lower the performance hit. At this stage, travelling via a raft with a boat motor may still cause some hitches. This is because they are the fastest means of travel and we need to tweak the system based on that. Every other method of travel – swimming, life raft and sail raft should all be much nicer.

- Added new Discovery Fog system!
Undiscovered areas of the world will remain shrouded in the atmosphere until you discover them, lifting the fog and revealing the area. Any areas that you have discovered will remain visible and help you navigate. You will still need to keep track of your travels as undiscovered areas can obscure discovered areas.

- Added new Soilmap system!
Foliage should generate in a more natural form with vegetation layers. Pines will surround cliff faces to create a forest while palms surround the outer layers of the forest. Younger plants will spawn on the outside of forest borders.

- New Main Menu UI
At this stage it’s very much a work in progress and not complete. One change you will notice is that there is no more ‘My Game’ option. We realised that this screen could be too overwhelming for new players who just wanted to get into the game. The world editing functionality from the previous ‘My Game’ menu and map editing from the previous ‘Map Editor’ menu have now been combined into the new ‘Cartographer’ menu. From the Cartographer you can customize your world, create a new world and create and edit maps like you used to. The new menu layout is hopefully clearer and more concise.

- New Notification System.
- New temporary Tutorial.

- Added new Columnar Pine tree!
- Added new Young Columnar Pine tree!
- Added new Coca bush!

- Added new craftable Wood Shelf item!
- Added new craftable Plank Shelf item!
- Added new craftable Corrugated Shelf item!
- Added new craftable Wood Chair item!
- Added new craftable Wood Table item!
- Added new craftable Plank Chair item!
- Added new craftable Plank Table item!
- Added new craftable Corrugated Table item!
- Added new craftable Fire Torch item.

- Added new craftable Wood Hook item.
Allows any attachable item to be attached. Useful for attaching lanterns and fire torches.

- Added game version validation to maps.
- Patched to Unity 5.4.1p4

- Restored Deep Sea biome.
- Restored Sea Forts in Deep Sea biomes.
- Restored Whales in Deep Sea biomes.
- Removed Snakes from Small Island Biomes.
- Removed Boars from small Island Biomes.
- Increased Young Palm and Yucca generation for Small Island Biomes.
- Reduced Bat and Seagull audio by 50%.
- Reduced player footstep audio by 20%.

- Fixed possibility of loading a physical object with no rigidbody causing errors.
- Fixed Grass generating on Sea Forts.
- Fixed player walking and floating on fish while swimming.
- Fixed Dragging and flying on Rafts, Logs, etc (not including Sharks).
- Fixed unable to drag capsized Rafts on rare occurrence.
- Fixed door spawning inside wall on Sea Fort.
- Fixed Loot spawning percentages. Loot containers will 100% spawn an item now.
- Fixed no feedback animation when drinking from a Coconut.
- Fixed Intro end sequence explosion audio.
- Fixed Stingray waypoints causing them to leave a Biome.
- Fixed Stingray hitboxes when spearing or shooting.

- More Main Menu UI
Continued work and revisions to new main menu layout and design.

- New Notification System.

- New temporary Tutorial.
