Hi Darksister,
hier mal ein paar Infos zu Loveletter:
Virus Characteristics
*Note: Ensure that the extensions .VBS, .HTM are included when scanning.*
As this detection covers many variants, you may experience symptoms other than those described below.
This is a VBScript worm with virus qualities. This worm will arrive in an email message with this format:
Subject "ILOVEYOU"
Message "kindly check the attached LOVELETTER coming from me."
Attachment "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs"
(note that other threats use similar filenames, such as W95/MTX.gen@M which uses the filename LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.pif):
If the user runs the attachment the worm runs using the Windows Scripting Host program. This is not normally present on Windows 95 or Windows NT unless Internet Explorer 5 is installed.
When the worm is first run it drops copies of itself and writes an .HTM file in the following places :
It also adds the registry keys :
in order to run the worm at system startup.
This worm searches all drives connected to the host system and replaces the following files:
with copies of itself and it adds the extension .VBS to the original filename. So PICT.JPG would be replaced with PICT.JPG.VBS and this would contain the worm.
The worm also overwrites the following files:
with copies of itself and renames the files to *.VBS.
This virus locates instances of the following file types:
and if found, makes them hidden and copies itself as these filenames except with .VBS extension. For instance, if file exists as "2PAC.MP3", this now becomes a hidden file and the virus is copied as "2PAC.MP3.VBS".
The worm creates a file 'LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM' which contains the worm and this is then sent to the IRC channels if the mIRC client is installed. This is accomplished by the worm replacing the file SCRIPT.INI.
After a short delay the worm uses Microsoft Outlook to send copies of itself to all entries in the address book. The mails will be of the same format as the original mail.
This worm also has another trick up it's sleeve in that it tries to download and install an executable file called WIN-BUGSFIX.EXE from the Internet. This exe file is a password stealing program that will email any cached passwords to the mail address
In order to facilitate this download the worm sets the start-up page of Microsoft Internet Explorer to point to the web-page containing the password stealing trojan.
The email sent by this program is as follows :
-------------copy of email sent-----------
From: [victim machine name]@[victim IP address]
Subject: Barok... email.passwords.sender.trojan
X-Mailer: Barok... email.passwords.sender.
trojan---by: spyder
Host: [machine name]
Username: [user name]
IP Address: [victim IP address]
RAS Passwords:...[victim password info]
Cache Passwords:...[victim password info]
-------------copy of email sent-----------
The password stealing trojan is also installed via the following registry key:
to autorun at system startup. After it has been run the password stealing trojan copies itself to WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WinFAT32.EXE and replaces the registry key with
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Existence of files mentioned above, replacement of files as mentioned above. Email propagation as described above. IRC file distribution as mentioned above.
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Method Of Infection
This virus will run if Windows Scripting Host is installed. Running the email attachment received either accidentally or intentionally will install to the local system, and also to all available drives, send via email message as an attachment and also via IRC if installed.
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Removal Instructions
All Users:
Script,Batch,Macro and non memory-resident:
Use specified engine and DAT files for detection and removal.
PE,Trojan,Internet Worm and memory resident:
Use specified engine and DAT files for detection. To remove, boot to MS-DOS mode or use a boot diskette and use the command line scanner:
Additional information for Windows ME users:
NOTE: Windows ME utilizes a backup utility that backs up selected files automatically to the C:\_Restore folder. This means that an infected file could be stored there as a backup file, and VirusScan will be unable to delete these files. These instructions explain how to remove the
infected files from the C:\_Restore folder.
Disabling the Restore Utility
1. Right click the My Computer icon on the Desktop.
2. Click on the Performance Tab.
3. Click on the File System button.
4. Click on the Troubleshooting Tab.
5. Put a check mark next to "Disable System Restore".
6. Click the Apply button.
7. Click the Close button.
8. Click the Close button again.
9. You will be prompted to restart the computer. Click Yes.
NOTE: The Restore Utility will now be disabled.
10. Restart the computer in Safe Mode.
11. Run a scan with VirusScan to delete all infected files, or browse the file's located in the C:\_Restore folder and remove the file's.
12. After removing the desired files, restart the computer normally.
NOTE: To re-enable the Restore Utility, follow steps 1-9 and on step 5 remove the check mark next to "Disable System Restore". The infected file's are removed and the System Restore is once again active.
AVERT Recommended Updates:
* Office2000 Updates
* Malformed Word Document Could Enable Macro to Run Automatically (Information/Patch)
* scriptlet.typelib/Eyedog vulnerability patch
* Outlook as an email attachment security update
* Exchange 5.5 post SP3 Information Store Patch 5.5.2652.42 - this patch corrects detection issues with GroupShield
For a list of attachments blocked by the Outlook patch and a general FAQ, visit this link.
Additionally, Network Administrators can configure this update using an available tool - visit this link for more information.
It is very common for macro viruses to disable options within Office applications for example in Word, the macro protection warning commonly is disabled. After cleaning macro viruses, ensure that your previously set options are again enabled.
Leider auf englisch, sorry.