Hilfe Forum Geht Nicht Auf


treuer Stammgast
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting ']' in /usr/export/www/hosting/tvk/wbb2/index.php(235) : eval()'d code on line 26
Was ist das genau für ein Fehler und wo finde ich ihn bzw. wie löse ich es

Mfg BlackGuru
Na schau mal einer an, wer sich da mal wieder zu uns verirrt hat :)
Handelt es sich um ein unverändertes WBB oder wurden da schon Hacks eingebaut? Es sieht nämlich so aus, als habe jemand an der index.php etwas verändert und dabei einen Fehler gemacht.
Poste mal den Inhalt der Datei bis Zeile 26, dann kann man sicher erkennen, wo da eine Klammer fehlt oder falsch sitzt.
// ************************************************************************************//
// * WoltLab Burning Board 2
// ************************************************************************************//
// * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 WoltLab GmbH
// * Web           [url]http://www.woltlab.de/[/url]
// * License       [url]http://www.woltlab.de/products/burning_board/license_en.php[/url]
// *               [url]http://www.woltlab.de/products/burning_board/license.php[/url]
// ************************************************************************************//
// * WoltLab Burning Board 2 is NOT free software.
// * You may not redistribute this package or any of it's files.
// ************************************************************************************//
// * $Date: 2004-10-26 14:41:23 +0200 (Tue, 26 Oct 2004) $
// * $Author: Burntime $
// * $Rev: 1459 $
// ************************************************************************************//

$filename = 'index.php';



if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookieprefix.'hidecats'])) $hidecats = decode_cookie($_COOKIE[$cookieprefix.'hidecats']);
else $hidecats = array();

if (isset($_GET['hidecat'])) {
	$hidecats[$_GET['hidecat']] = 1;
	if ($wbbuserdata['usecookies'] == 1) encode_cookie("hidecats", time() + 3600 * 24 * 365);
	else encode_cookie("hidecats");
if (isset($_GET['showcat'])) {
	$hidecats[$_GET['showcat']] = 0;
	if ($wbbuserdata['usecookies'] == 1) encode_cookie("hidecats", time() + 3600 * 24 * 365);
	else encode_cookie("hidecats");

$boardcache = array();
$permissioncache = array();
$modcache = array();

switch ($boardordermode) {
	case 1: $boardorder = 'b.title ASC'; break;
	case 2: $boardorder = 'b.title DESC'; break;
	case 3: $boardorder = 'b.lastposttime DESC'; break;
	default: $boardorder = 'b.boardorder ASC'; break;
$activtime = time() - 60 * $useronlinetimeout;

$boardvisit = array();
$result = $db->unbuffered_query("
 b.*".(($showlastposttitle == 1) ? (", t.topic, t.prefix AS threadprefix, i.*") : (""))."
 ".(($showuseronlineinboard == 1) ? (", COUNT(s.sessionhash) AS useronline") : (""))."
 ".(($wbbuserdata['userid']) ? (", bv.lastvisit") : (""))."
 FROM bb".$n."_boards b
 ".(($showlastposttitle == 1) ? ("LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_threads t ON (t.threadid=b.lastthreadid)
 LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_icons i USING (iconid)") : (""))."
 ".(($showuseronlineinboard == 1) ? ("LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_sessions s ON (s.boardid=b.boardid AND s.lastactivity>='$activtime')") : (""))."
 ".(($wbbuserdata['userid']) ? (" LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_boardvisit bv ON (bv.boardid=b.boardid AND bv.userid='".$wbbuserdata['userid']."')") : (""))."
 ".(($showuseronlineinboard == 1) ? ("GROUP BY b.boardid") : (""))."
 ORDER by b.parentid ASC, $boardorder");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
	$boardcache[$row['parentid']][$row['boardorder']][$row['boardid']] = $row;
	$boardvisit[$row['boardid']] = $row['lastvisit'];

if ($showuseronlineinboard == 2) {
	$userinboard = array();
	$online = &new useronline($wbbuserdata['a_can_view_ghosts'], $wbbuserdata['buddylist']);
	$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT s.userid, s.boardid, u.username, u.useronlinegroupid,g.useronlinemarking, u.invisible FROM bb".$n."_sessions s LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_users u USING (userid) LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_groups g ON g.groupid=u.useronlinegroupid WHERE s.lastactivity>='$activtime'".(($wbbuserdata['ignorelist']) ? (" AND s.userid NOT IN (".str_replace(" ", ",", $wbbuserdata['ignorelist']).")") : (""))." ORDER BY u.username ASC");	
	while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) $userinboard[$row['boardid']][] = $row;	

$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT t.boardid, t.threadid, t.lastposttime".(($wbbuserdata['userid']) ? (", tv.lastvisit") : (""))." FROM bb".$n."_threads t".(($wbbuserdata['userid']) ? (" LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_threadvisit tv ON (tv.threadid=t.threadid AND tv.userid='".$wbbuserdata['userid']."')") : (""))." WHERE t.visible = 1 AND t.lastposttime > '$wbbuserdata[lastvisit]' AND t.closed <> 3");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
	if ($row['lastposttime'] > $row['lastvisit']) $visitcache[$row['boardid']][$row['threadid']] = $row['lastposttime'];

// read permissions
$permissioncache = getPermissions();

if ($hide_modcell == 0) {
	$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT bb".$n."_moderators.*, username FROM bb".$n."_moderators LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_users USING (userid) ORDER BY username ASC");
	while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) $modcache[$row['boardid']][] = $row;

$boardbit = makeboardbit(0);

$index_pms = '';
$quicklogin = '';
$index_showevents = '';
$index_useronline = '';
$index_stats = '';

/* ############## STATS ############## */
if ($showstats == 1) {
	$stats = $db->query_first("SELECT s.*, u.username FROM bb".$n."_stats s LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_users u ON(u.userid=s.lastuserid)");
	$stats['username'] = htmlconverter($stats['username']);
	$installdays = (time() - $installdate) / 86400;
	if ($installdays < 1) $postperday = $stats['postcount'];
	else $postperday = $stats['postcount'] / $installdays; 
	$postperday = number_format($postperday, 2, $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_DEC_POINT"), $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
	if ($stats['usercount'] >= 1000) $stats['usercount'] = number_format($stats['usercount'], 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
	if ($stats['threadcount'] >= 1000) $stats['threadcount'] = number_format($stats['threadcount'], 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
	if ($stats['postcount'] >= 1000) $stats['postcount'] = number_format($stats['postcount'], 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
/* ############## USERONLINE ############## */
if ($showuseronline == 1) {
	$guestcount = 0;
	$membercount = 0;
	$invisiblecount = 0;
	$online = &new useronline($wbbuserdata['a_can_view_ghosts'], $wbbuserdata['buddylist']);
	$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT s.userid, username, useronlinegroupid, useronlinemarking, invisible FROM bb".$n."_sessions s LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_users u USING (userid) LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_groups g ON g.groupid=u.useronlinegroupid WHERE s.lastactivity >= '".(time() - 60 * $useronlinetimeout)."'".(($wbbuserdata['ignorelist']) ? (" AND s.userid NOT IN (".str_replace(" ", ",", $wbbuserdata['ignorelist']).")") : (""))." ORDER BY u.username ASC"); 
	while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
		if ($row['userid'] == 0) {
		if ($row['invisible'] == 1) $invisiblecount++;
		$online->user($row['userid'], htmlconverter($row['username']), $row['useronlinemarking'], $row['invisible']);
	$useronline = $online->useronlinebit;
	$totaluseronline = $membercount + $guestcount;
	if ($totaluseronline > $rekord) {
		$rekord = $totaluseronline;
		$rekordtime = time();
		$db->unbuffered_query("UPDATE bb".$n."_options SET value='$rekord' WHERE varname='rekord'", 1);
		$db->unbuffered_query("UPDATE bb".$n."_options SET value='$rekordtime' WHERE varname='rekordtime'", 1);
		$option = &new options("acp/lib");
	$rekorddate = formatdate($wbbuserdata['dateformat'], $rekordtime);
	$rekordtime = formatdate($wbbuserdata['timeformat'], $rekordtime);
	// format figures
	if ($guestcount >= 1000) $guestcount = number_format($guestcount, 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
	if ($membercount >= 1000) $membercount = number_format($membercount, 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
	if ($invisiblecount >= 1000) $invisiblecount = number_format($invisiblecount, 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
	if ($totaluseronline >= 1000) $totaluseronline = number_format($totaluseronline, 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
	if ($rekord >= 1000) $rekord = number_format($rekord, 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
	if ($totaluseronline == 1) {
		$useronline_BE = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_BE_ONE'];
		$useronline_USER = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_USER_ONE'];
	else {
		$useronline_BE = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_BE'];
		$useronline_USER = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_USER'];
	if ($guestcount == 1) $useronline_GUEST = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_GUEST_ONE'];
	elseif ($guestcount > 1) $useronline_GUEST = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_GUEST'];
	else {
		$useronline_GUEST = '';
		$guestcount = '';
	if ($membercount == 1) $useronline_MEMBERS = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_MEMBERS_ONE'];
	elseif ($membercount > 1) $useronline_MEMBERS = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_MEMBERS'];
	else {
		$useronline_MEMBERS = '';
		$membercount = '';
	if ($invisiblecount == 1) $useronline_GHOSTS = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_GHOSTS_ONE'];
	elseif ($invisiblecount > 1) $useronline_GHOSTS = $lang->get("LANG_START_USERONLINE_GHOSTS", array('$invisiblecount' => $invisiblecount));
	else $useronline_GHOSTS = '';
	if ($guestcount > 0 && $membercount > 0) $useronline_AND = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_AND'];
	else $useronline_AND = '';
	$lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE'] = $lang->get("LANG_START_USERONLINE", array('$useronline_BE' => $useronline_BE, '$membercount' => $membercount, '$useronline_MEMBERS' => $useronline_MEMBERS, '$useronline_GHOSTS' => $useronline_GHOSTS, '$useronline_AND' => $useronline_AND, '$guestcount' => $guestcount, '$useronline_GUEST' => $useronline_GUEST, '$rekord' => $rekord, '$useronline_USER' => $useronline_USER, '$rekorddate' => $rekorddate, '$rekordtime' => $rekordtime));
	$lang->items['LANG_START_SHOWUSERONLINE'] = $lang->get("LANG_START_SHOWUSERONLINE", array('$useronline_BE' => $useronline_BE, '$totaluseronline' => $totaluseronline, '$useronline_USER' => $useronline_USER));
/* ############## BIRTHDAYS ############## */
if ($showbirthdays == 1  && $wbbuserdata['can_view_calendar'] != 0) {
	$currentdate = formatdate("m-d", time());
	$currentyear = intval(formatdate("Y", time()));
	$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT userid, username, birthday FROM bb".$n."_users WHERE birthday LIKE '%-$currentdate' ORDER BY username ASC");
	while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
		$row['username'] = htmlconverter($row['username']);
		$birthyear = intval(wbb_substr($row['birthday'], 0, 4));
		$age = $currentyear - $birthyear;
		if ($age < 1 || $age > 200) $age = '';
		else $age = " ($age)";
		if (isset($birthdaybit)) eval("\$birthdaybit .= \"".$tpl->get("index_birthdaybit")."\";");
		else eval("\$birthdaybit = \"".$tpl->get("index_birthdaybit")."\";");

/* ############## EVENTS ############## */
if ($showevents == 1 && $wbbuserdata['can_view_calendar'] != 0) {
	$currentdate = date("Y-m-d"); 
	$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT eventid, subject, public FROM bb".$n."_events WHERE eventdate = '$currentdate' AND (public=2 OR (public=1 AND groupid = '$wbbuserdata[groupid]') OR (public=0 AND userid = '$wbbuserdata[userid]')) ORDER BY public ASC, subject ASC");
	while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
		$row['subject'] = htmlconverter($row['subject']);
		if (isset($eventbit)) eval("\$eventbit .= \"".$tpl->get("index_eventbit")."\";");
		else eval("\$eventbit = \"".$tpl->get("index_eventbit")."\";");

if (!$wbbuserdata['userid']) {
	$lang->items['LANG_START_WELCOME_TITLE'] = $lang->get("LANG_START_WELCOME_TITLE", array('$master_board_name' => $master_board_name));
	$lang->items['LANG_START_WELCOME'] = $lang->get("LANG_START_WELCOME", array('$SID_ARG_2ND' => $SID_ARG_2ND, '$SID_ARG_1ST' => $SID_ARG_1ST));
else {
	$currenttime = formatdate($wbbuserdata['timeformat'], time());
	$toffset = (($wbbuserdata['timezoneoffset'] >= 0) ? ("+") : ("")).$wbbuserdata['timezoneoffset'];
	$lang->items['LANG_START_TIMEZONE'] = $lang->get("LANG_START_TIMEZONE", array('$toffset' => $toffset));
	$lastvisitdate = formatdate($wbbuserdata['dateformat'], $wbbuserdata['lastvisit'], 1);
	$lastvisittime = formatdate($wbbuserdata['timeformat'], $wbbuserdata['lastvisit']);
	if ($showpmonindex == 1 && $wbbuserdata['can_use_pms'] == 1 && $wbbuserdata['receivepm'] == 1) {
		$counttotal = $wbbuserdata['pminboxcount'];
		$countunread = $wbbuserdata['pmunreadcount'];
		$countnew = $wbbuserdata['pmnewcount'];
		if ($countnew == 1) $pms_NEWMESSAGE = $lang->items['LANG_START_PMS_MESSAGE'];
		else $pms_NEWMESSAGE = $lang->items['LANG_START_PMS_MESSAGES'];
		if ($counttotal == 1) $pms_TOTALMESSAGE = $lang->items['LANG_START_PMS_MESSAGE'];
		else $pms_TOTALMESSAGE = $lang->items['LANG_START_PMS_MESSAGES'];
		$lang->items['LANG_START_PMS'] = $lang->get("LANG_START_PMS", array('$countnew' => $countnew, '$pms_NEWMESSAGE' => $pms_NEWMESSAGE, '$countunread' => $countunread, '$counttotal' => $counttotal, '$pms_TOTALMESSAGE' => $pms_TOTALMESSAGE));
Keine Ahnung, wo der da eine eckige Klammer haben will - wahrscheinlich steckt der Fehler ganz woanders, aber da müssen die Profis ran...
im ACP Templates bearbeiten index.tpl suchen markieren und auf editieren gehen, den Inhalt rauskopieren und hier posten. :D
// ************************************************************************************//
// * WoltLab Burning Board 2
// ************************************************************************************//
// * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 WoltLab GmbH
// * Web http://www.woltlab.de/
// * License http://www.woltlab.de/products/burning_board/license_en.php
// * http://www.woltlab.de/products/burning_board/license.php
// ************************************************************************************//
// * WoltLab Burning Board 2 is NOT free software.
// * You may not redistribute this package or any of it's files.
// ************************************************************************************//
// * $Date: 2004-10-26 14:41:23 +0200 (Tue, 26 Oct 2004) $
// * $Author: Burntime $
// * $Rev: 1459 $
// ************************************************************************************//

$filename = 'index.php';



if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookieprefix.'hidecats'])) $hidecats = decode_cookie($_COOKIE[$cookieprefix.'hidecats']);
else $hidecats = array();

if (isset($_GET['hidecat'])) {
$hidecats[$_GET['hidecat']] = 1;
if ($wbbuserdata['usecookies'] == 1) encode_cookie("hidecats", time() + 3600 * 24 * 365);
else encode_cookie("hidecats");
if (isset($_GET['showcat'])) {
$hidecats[$_GET['showcat']] = 0;
if ($wbbuserdata['usecookies'] == 1) encode_cookie("hidecats", time() + 3600 * 24 * 365);
else encode_cookie("hidecats");

$boardcache = array();
$permissioncache = array();
$modcache = array();

switch ($boardordermode) {
case 1: $boardorder = 'b.title ASC'; break;
case 2: $boardorder = 'b.title DESC'; break;
case 3: $boardorder = 'b.lastposttime DESC'; break;
default: $boardorder = 'b.boardorder ASC'; break;
$activtime = time() - 60 * $useronlinetimeout;

$boardvisit = array();
$result = $db->unbuffered_query("
b.*".(($showlastposttitle == 1) ? (", t.topic, t.prefix AS threadprefix, i.*") : (""))."
".(($showuseronlineinboard == 1) ? (", COUNT(s.sessionhash) AS useronline") : (""))."
".(($wbbuserdata['userid']) ? (", bv.lastvisit") : (""))."
FROM bb".$n."_boards b
".(($showlastposttitle == 1) ? ("LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_threads t ON (t.threadid=b.lastthreadid)
LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_icons i USING (iconid)") : (""))."
".(($showuseronlineinboard == 1) ? ("LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_sessions s ON (s.boardid=b.boardid AND s.lastactivity>='$activtime')") : (""))."
".(($wbbuserdata['userid']) ? (" LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_boardvisit bv ON (bv.boardid=b.boardid AND bv.userid='".$wbbuserdata['userid']."')") : (""))."
".(($showuseronlineinboard == 1) ? ("GROUP BY b.boardid") : (""))."
ORDER by b.parentid ASC, $boardorder");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$boardcache[$row['parentid']][$row['boardorder']][$row['boardid']] = $row;
$boardvisit[$row['boardid']] = $row['lastvisit'];

if ($showuseronlineinboard == 2) {
$userinboard = array();
$online = &new useronline($wbbuserdata['a_can_view_ghosts'], $wbbuserdata['buddylist']);
$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT s.userid, s.boardid, u.username, u.useronlinegroupid,g.useronlinemarking, u.invisible FROM bb".$n."_sessions s LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_users u USING (userid) LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_groups g ON g.groupid=u.useronlinegroupid WHERE s.lastactivity>='$activtime'".(($wbbuserdata['ignorelist']) ? (" AND s.userid NOT IN (".str_replace(" ", ",", $wbbuserdata['ignorelist']).")") : (""))." ORDER BY u.username ASC");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) $userinboard[$row['boardid']][] = $row;

$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT t.boardid, t.threadid, t.lastposttime".(($wbbuserdata['userid']) ? (", tv.lastvisit") : (""))." FROM bb".$n."_threads t".(($wbbuserdata['userid']) ? (" LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_threadvisit tv ON (tv.threadid=t.threadid AND tv.userid='".$wbbuserdata['userid']."')") : (""))." WHERE t.visible = 1 AND t.lastposttime > '$wbbuserdata[lastvisit]' AND t.closed <> 3");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
if ($row['lastposttime'] > $row['lastvisit']) $visitcache[$row['boardid']][$row['threadid']] = $row['lastposttime'];

// read permissions
$permissioncache = getPermissions();

if ($hide_modcell == 0) {
$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT bb".$n."_moderators.*, username FROM bb".$n."_moderators LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_users USING (userid) ORDER BY username ASC");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) $modcache[$row['boardid']][] = $row;

$boardbit = makeboardbit(0);

$index_pms = '';
$quicklogin = '';
$index_showevents = '';
$index_useronline = '';
$index_stats = '';

/* ############## STATS ############## */
if ($showstats == 1) {
$stats = $db->query_first("SELECT s.*, u.username FROM bb".$n."_stats s LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_users u ON(u.userid=s.lastuserid)");
$stats['username'] = htmlconverter($stats['username']);

$installdays = (time() - $installdate) / 86400;
if ($installdays < 1) $postperday = $stats['postcount'];
else $postperday = $stats['postcount'] / $installdays;

$postperday = number_format($postperday, 2, $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_DEC_POINT"), $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));

if ($stats['usercount'] >= 1000) $stats['usercount'] = number_format($stats['usercount'], 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
if ($stats['threadcount'] >= 1000) $stats['threadcount'] = number_format($stats['threadcount'], 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
if ($stats['postcount'] >= 1000) $stats['postcount'] = number_format($stats['postcount'], 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
/* ############## USERONLINE ############## */
if ($showuseronline == 1) {
$guestcount = 0;
$membercount = 0;
$invisiblecount = 0;
$online = &new useronline($wbbuserdata['a_can_view_ghosts'], $wbbuserdata['buddylist']);
$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT s.userid, username, useronlinegroupid, useronlinemarking, invisible FROM bb".$n."_sessions s LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_users u USING (userid) LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_groups g ON g.groupid=u.useronlinegroupid WHERE s.lastactivity >= '".(time() - 60 * $useronlinetimeout)."'".(($wbbuserdata['ignorelist']) ? (" AND s.userid NOT IN (".str_replace(" ", ",", $wbbuserdata['ignorelist']).")") : (""))." ORDER BY u.username ASC");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
if ($row['userid'] == 0) {
if ($row['invisible'] == 1) $invisiblecount++;
$online->user($row['userid'], htmlconverter($row['username']), $row['useronlinemarking'], $row['invisible']);
$useronline = $online->useronlinebit;
$totaluseronline = $membercount + $guestcount;
if ($totaluseronline > $rekord) {
$rekord = $totaluseronline;
$rekordtime = time();
$db->unbuffered_query("UPDATE bb".$n."_options SET value='$rekord' WHERE varname='rekord'", 1);
$db->unbuffered_query("UPDATE bb".$n."_options SET value='$rekordtime' WHERE varname='rekordtime'", 1);
$option = &new options("acp/lib");
$rekorddate = formatdate($wbbuserdata['dateformat'], $rekordtime);
$rekordtime = formatdate($wbbuserdata['timeformat'], $rekordtime);

// format figures
if ($guestcount >= 1000) $guestcount = number_format($guestcount, 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
if ($membercount >= 1000) $membercount = number_format($membercount, 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
if ($invisiblecount >= 1000) $invisiblecount = number_format($invisiblecount, 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
if ($totaluseronline >= 1000) $totaluseronline = number_format($totaluseronline, 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
if ($rekord >= 1000) $rekord = number_format($rekord, 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));

if ($totaluseronline == 1) {
$useronline_BE = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_BE_ONE'];
$useronline_USER = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_USER_ONE'];
else {
$useronline_BE = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_BE'];
$useronline_USER = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_USER'];

if ($guestcount == 1) $useronline_GUEST = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_GUEST_ONE'];
elseif ($guestcount > 1) $useronline_GUEST = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_GUEST'];
else {
$useronline_GUEST = '';
$guestcount = '';

if ($membercount == 1) $useronline_MEMBERS = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_MEMBERS_ONE'];
elseif ($membercount > 1) $useronline_MEMBERS = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_MEMBERS'];
else {
$useronline_MEMBERS = '';
$membercount = '';

if ($invisiblecount == 1) $useronline_GHOSTS = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_GHOSTS_ONE'];
elseif ($invisiblecount > 1) $useronline_GHOSTS = $lang->get("LANG_START_USERONLINE_GHOSTS", array('$invisiblecount' => $invisiblecount));
else $useronline_GHOSTS = '';

if ($guestcount > 0 && $membercount > 0) $useronline_AND = $lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE_AND'];
else $useronline_AND = '';

$lang->items['LANG_START_USERONLINE'] = $lang->get("LANG_START_USERONLINE", array('$useronline_BE' => $useronline_BE, '$membercount' => $membercount, '$useronline_MEMBERS' => $useronline_MEMBERS, '$useronline_GHOSTS' => $useronline_GHOSTS, '$useronline_AND' => $useronline_AND, '$guestcount' => $guestcount, '$useronline_GUEST' => $useronline_GUEST, '$rekord' => $rekord, '$useronline_USER' => $useronline_USER, '$rekorddate' => $rekorddate, '$rekordtime' => $rekordtime));
$lang->items['LANG_START_SHOWUSERONLINE'] = $lang->get("LANG_START_SHOWUSERONLINE", array('$useronline_BE' => $useronline_BE, '$totaluseronline' => $totaluseronline, '$useronline_USER' => $useronline_USER));
/* ############## BIRTHDAYS ############## */
if ($showbirthdays == 1 && $wbbuserdata['can_view_calendar'] != 0) {
$currentdate = formatdate("m-d", time());
$currentyear = intval(formatdate("Y", time()));
$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT userid, username, birthday FROM bb".$n."_users WHERE birthday LIKE '%-$currentdate' ORDER BY username ASC");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$row['username'] = htmlconverter($row['username']);
$birthyear = intval(wbb_substr($row['birthday'], 0, 4));
$age = $currentyear - $birthyear;
if ($age < 1 || $age > 200) $age = '';
else $age = " ($age)";
if (isset($birthdaybit)) eval("\$birthdaybit .= \"".$tpl->get("index_birthdaybit")."\";");
else eval("\$birthdaybit = \"".$tpl->get("index_birthdaybit")."\";");

/* ############## EVENTS ############## */
if ($showevents == 1 && $wbbuserdata['can_view_calendar'] != 0) {
$currentdate = date("Y-m-d");
$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT eventid, subject, public FROM bb".$n."_events WHERE eventdate = '$currentdate' AND (public=2 OR (public=1 AND groupid = '$wbbuserdata[groupid]') OR (public=0 AND userid = '$wbbuserdata[userid]')) ORDER BY public ASC, subject ASC");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$row['subject'] = htmlconverter($row['subject']);
if (isset($eventbit)) eval("\$eventbit .= \"".$tpl->get("index_eventbit")."\";");
else eval("\$eventbit = \"".$tpl->get("index_eventbit")."\";");

if (!$wbbuserdata['userid']) {
$lang->items['LANG_START_WELCOME_TITLE'] = $lang->get("LANG_START_WELCOME_TITLE", array('$master_board_name' => $master_board_name));
$lang->items['LANG_START_WELCOME'] = $lang->get("LANG_START_WELCOME", array('$SID_ARG_2ND' => $SID_ARG_2ND, '$SID_ARG_1ST' => $SID_ARG_1ST));
else {
$currenttime = formatdate($wbbuserdata['timeformat'], time());
$toffset = (($wbbuserdata['timezoneoffset'] >= 0) ? ("+") : ("")).$wbbuserdata['timezoneoffset'];
$lang->items['LANG_START_TIMEZONE'] = $lang->get("LANG_START_TIMEZONE", array('$toffset' => $toffset));
$lastvisitdate = formatdate($wbbuserdata['dateformat'], $wbbuserdata['lastvisit'], 1);
$lastvisittime = formatdate($wbbuserdata['timeformat'], $wbbuserdata['lastvisit']);
if ($showpmonindex == 1 && $wbbuserdata['can_use_pms'] == 1 && $wbbuserdata['receivepm'] == 1) {
$counttotal = $wbbuserdata['pminboxcount'];
$countunread = $wbbuserdata['pmunreadcount'];
$countnew = $wbbuserdata['pmnewcount'];
if ($countnew == 1) $pms_NEWMESSAGE = $lang->items['LANG_START_PMS_MESSAGE'];
else $pms_NEWMESSAGE = $lang->items['LANG_START_PMS_MESSAGES'];

if ($counttotal == 1) $pms_TOTALMESSAGE = $lang->items['LANG_START_PMS_MESSAGE'];
else $pms_TOTALMESSAGE = $lang->items['LANG_START_PMS_MESSAGES'];

$lang->items['LANG_START_PMS'] = $lang->get("LANG_START_PMS", array('$countnew' => $countnew, '$pms_NEWMESSAGE' => $pms_NEWMESSAGE, '$countunread' => $countunread, '$counttotal' => $counttotal, '$pms_TOTALMESSAGE' => $pms_TOTALMESSAGE));
das ist die index.php, Du must ins Admincenter gehen. dort auf Templates bearbeiten..... siehe oben
hab ich ja gemacht
wenn du willst geb ich dir die daten und du kannst es dir angucken ist er 2 tage jung und im aufbau
ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH jetzt kannich im forum keine threads Pn oder profil öffnen rein gar nix

Index geht wieder der rest nicht.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /usr/export/www/hosting/tvk/wbb2/usercp.php(64) : eval()'d code on line 24

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting ']' in /usr/export/www/hosting/tvk/wbb2/board.php(418) : eval()'d code on line 30
