[Debian] glftpd und Site Who bei manchen gruppen deaktivieren ?


Herzlich willkommen!
glftpd und Site Who bei manchen gruppen deaktivieren ?

Nabend zusammen,

wie kann ich es anstellen das gewisse gruppen nur manche befehle zur verfügung haben ? eine funktion wäre da zb site who die sollte zb für gruppe "A" nicht sichtbar sein...

gruss Bino
Herzlich Willkommen auf dem Wohlfühlboard und Entschuldigung, dass ich niemand gemeldet hat...

Einzelne Befehle lassen sich so freigeben bzw. verbieten.
Dies geschieht über die übliche Unix-Rechteverwaltung.

Zitat aus der http://www.glftpd.com/files/docs/glftpd.docs (Letzter Absatz in Abschnitt II):

| Who can use what site commands? |

Below is a list of configurable site commands.
To the right of a command are flags - a user needs at least one of those
to be able to execute the command. You can also use groupname instead of
a flag (the format is =groupname) or username (format is -username).
'*' means "everyone". A ! in front of a flag/group/username means no access
if user matches this right - the scan through parameters will stop at this
point (so first match, whether positive or negative, ends the search. No
match is treated like a negative match - no access).

Note: by default, gadmins have access to the following commands:
-addip, -adduser, -changeratio, -chpass, -delip, -deluser,
-flags, -ginfo, -grpnfo, -readd, -userextra.
These commands are gadmin-restricted, meaning that if you are a
gadmin you can only use those commands on users who are in the
same group as your first (primary) group. Other commands are
not gadmin-restricted, so if you give gadmins access to them, they
will be able to use them on ANY user.

The "site purge" command is also gadmin-restricted, but gadmins don't
have access to it by default. Showing user comments when doing
"site user", controlled by -usercomment, is also restricted but not
enabled by default.


-swho =STAFF 1 E


You can define your own "You do not have access to this command" for each
of the settings above.
First, create directory "ad" in /glftpd/ftp-data/misc. Then, create a file in
that directory with the same name as the restriction keyword shown above,
without the leading dash, and put whatever text you want displayed in it.
(so, if you want glftpd to say "You do not have access to see who is online"
when a user does "site who" and he/she doesn't have access to it, create a file
called "who").
Glftpd will try to display the individual file first; if that doesn't work,
it will show the generic no access error.