Total Commander 6.53 verfügbar!

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Seit heute morgen offiziell verfügbar

Die neue Version enthält eine Reihe neuer Funktionen, u.a. die Anzeige von Vorschaubildern (Miniaturansicht), benutzerdefinierten Spalten, eine erweiterte Suchfunktion über Plugins, und viele Detailverbesserungen!

Der Dateimanager für Windows, bedarf eigentlich keiner weiteren Infos, wer ihn nicht kennt hat was verpasst und sollte das ändern ;)

Download 1,5 MByte

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Ich habe schon lange den Windows-(Total-) Commander und bin sehr zufrieden damit.

Edit: Hat sich erledigt-habe es gefunden. ;)
Einmal bezahlt, immer Updateberechtigt, so isser halt der Christian Ghisler

Einfach drüber installieren, Lizenz wird übernommen

Edit: Kannst das nicht was früher schreiben :D
Nun auch mit "FTP-kompression" MODE Z. :)

Neu in Total Commander 6.50:

- Miniaturansicht: Anzeige von Vorschaubildern für Grafiken und andere Dateitypen
- Benutzerdefinierte Spalten: Bis zu 9 verschiedene Ansichtsvarianten
- Inhalts-Plugins: Anzeigen+Suchen von zusätzlichen Dateieigenschaften
- Overlay-Symbole für spezielle Dateien wie LNK-Dateien anzeigen
- Automatische Installation von Plugins und Sprachen beim Öffnen des Plugin-Archivs (falls von diesem unterstützt)
- Neue Konfigurationsseite für alle Plugintypen

- Alt+Umsch+F3 lädt Lister ohne Plugins und irgendwelche Multimedia-Erweiterungen
- Umsch+Klick auf das aktuelle Verzeichnis wechselt zum angeklickten Verzeichnisteil
- Umsch+Klick in der Suchfunktion auf 'gehe zu' oder 'anwenden' öffnet Verzeichnis in neuem Tab
- Suchen nach NTFS-verschlüsselten Dateien
- Anderen Ort festlegen für Verzeichnisbaum-Inhalt (treeinfo.wc)
- Zeige Kopiergeschwindigkeit auch in der Funktion Verzeichnisse synchronisieren

- FTP: Unterstützt MOE Z zum komprimierten Hoch- und Herunterladen
- Neuer Typ von gesperrtem Tab: erlaubt Verzeichniswechsel, aber wechselt zurück ins Tab-Wurzelverzeichnis beim Drücken von "\" oder beim Wechsel auf ein anderes Tab und zurück
- Mehrfach-Umbenenn-Tool: Mehrfaches Suchen+Ersetzen, Verlauf bei Suchen+Ersetzen, Button um Resultat neu zu laden für nächsten Schritt
- F5 - F2 transferiert nun auch bei FTP im Hintergrund.

- Neue Pseudo-Umgebungsvariablen für Dateinamen, welche auf virtuelle Folder zeigen:
%$APPDATA%, %$DESKTOP%, %$PERSONAL% (Eigene Dateien), %$PROGRAMS%, %$STARTMENU%, %$FONTS%, %$STARTUP% (benutzen Sie Kleinbuchstaben für Umgebungsvariablen mit diesen Namen)
- Neue interne Befehle (für Buttonbar, Startermenü und benutzerdefinierte Hotkeys) zum Laufwerkswechsel:
cm_GotoDriveA..cm_GotoDriveZ, cm_GotoNextDrive und cm_GotoPreviousDrive

- Neue interne Befehle cm_srcactivatetab1..10 aktiviert Tab 1-10 im Quellpanel, ähnlich auch im Zielpanel.
- Unterverzeichnisfilter arbeiten nun auch in der Kopierfunktion.
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren: Erlaubt nun auch das Setzen der Kopierrichtung für gleiche Dateien (nur via Rechtsklickmenü!), etwa zum Kopieren der Dateien in ein anderes Verzeichnis.
- Spezielle Anzeigemodes (Miniaturansicht, Kommentare, benutzerdef. Spalten) separat pro Tab merken, sowie beim Beenden

02.02.05 Release Total Commander 6.51 Final

02.02.05 Fixed: Windows XP: underlined characters and focus lines were not shown in dialogs, except when entering them with the keyboard. Solution: call to WM_CHANGEUISTATE
02.02.05 Fixed: Custom columns configuration dialog: Set minimum width, so the checkboxes and buttons at the bottom can no longer overlap each other
02.02.05 Fixed: Alt+F3 on file in archive stored with absolute path "\filename" passed wrong name with two \\ to external viewer
02.02.05 Fixed: FTP over HTTP didn't recognize <hr /> tag (horizonal line)
01.02.05 Fixed: Help file: replaced Helv font by Arial
01.02.05 Fixed: Switching from vertical arrangement to side by side panel view with two lines of tab headers in comment view showed wrongly sized listbox
01.02.05 Fixed: Compare by contents: Search function didn't search beyond the end of the shorter file
01.02.05 Fixed: Wrong number of selected files shown after changing attributes if nothing changed in the current dir
01.02.05 Fixed: Don't show any error when clicking on "Start" in "Compact thumbnail database" when no database exists yet
01.02.05 Fixed: Switching to TC via a hotkey of TC's desktop icon no longer worked (except when minimizing to the system tray)

30.01.05 Release Total Commander 6.51 Beta 1

30.01.05 Fixed: Switching between two ftp connections 0: and 1: both pointing to the root of the SAME server didn't update the tab header
28.01.05 Fixed: Hourglass cursor sometimes remained on panel when switching from normal tab to search results tab
28.01.05 Fixed: Access violation unpacking AES-encrypted ZIP archive if AES plugin installed under different extension than .AES
28.01.05 Fixed: Duplicating search results tab with Ctrl+T no longer worked
26.01.05 Fixed: F7 create directory: Couldn't create directory with Chinese characters where the second byte had the same code as "|" used to create multiple dirs in one step. Same problem in MRT Search+Replace
26.01.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs between subdir in archive other than zip and normal dir didn't correctly take that archive subdir into account
26.01.05 Fixed: tc.size and tc.writedate columns in custom columns view will now be sorted (and show sorting headers) also via shortcuts Ctrl+F6 and Ctrl+F5
26.01.05 Fixed: Pressing Ctrl+Shift+F1 twice from custom view will switch to thumbnails view and back to the previous custom view, same for Ctrl+Shift+F2
26.01.05 Fixed: Auto-install plugins remembered wrong base path "plugins\w" instead of just "plugins"
26.01.05 Fixed: Shift+F7 also searched backwards instead of forwards (only Shift+F3 should have done that)
26.01.05 Added: Custom columns view: Show <DIR> instead of size if dir size isn't counted
26.01.05 Fixed: Text thumbnails: use DEFAULT_FONT instead of ANSI_FONT to use default language settings
26.01.05 Fixed: Multi-rename-tool: Didn't remember spaces at the beginning/end of the string
25.01.05 Fixed: FTP: When connection is lost and a reconnect is needed, MODE Z isn't re-activated but TC still assumes that it is active -> empty dir lists
25.01.05 Fixed: pluginbasedir wasn't described in the help
25.01.05 Fixed: Rename field width wrong under custom columns view
25.01.05 Fixed: Deleted some unsupported internal commands from 16bit inc file
25.01.05 Fixed: Changed error message shown when a plugin with the same name is already installed in a different dir
25.01.05 Fixed: After "disk full" message, copying was aborted - now the user can continue with the next file by clicking "Skip"
25.01.05 Fixed: Resume copying in background transfer manager was not working after clicking on the close button
25.01.05 Fixed: Print dialog: using right mouse button to change borders caused unwanted results
25.01.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, FTP downloads: Allow to continue sync even when there is a transfer error (user will be asked)
25.01.05 Fixed: Trying to download a file which is locked on the server while MODE Z is enabled hangs TC (only with Filezilla server, not with other servers)
25.01.05 Fixed: When switching back from custom columns view with only 2 columns (name+ext) in both windows to full view on the left, the header titles were not restored
25.01.05 Fixed: When changing the header width in one window, change it in the other window too ONLY if both show the same view (full view or same custom fields)
21.01.05 Fixed: When moving the re-packing of archives (e.g. zip->rar) to background, the rest of the files wasn't repacked
21.01.05 Fixed: Checking of md5sum.txt worked, but md5sum (without extension) wasn't recognized
21.01.05 Fixed: Search max. 5 seconds for other installed plugins when auto-installing (to avoid that an entire drive is searched)
21.01.05 Fixed: Dotted frame arround current quick search item had strange colors (and not the normal inverse color) with some color settings
21.01.05 Fixed: Unwanted beep when connecting to FTP server supporting MODE Z compression

25.01.05 Fixed: FTP: When connection is lost and a reconnect is needed, MODE Z isn't re-activated but TC still assumes that it is active -> empty dir lists

Der Bug ist echt nerfig.

gewesen. :)
4. Mai 2005: Update 6.52

Total Commander 6.52 ist ab sofort verfügbar. Die neue Version korrigiert mehrere Probleme, vor allem mit den neuen Funktionen in Total Commander 6.50. Ausserdem unterstützt die neue Version IPv6 und kopiert schneller auf USB-Sticks

Und ab heute soll das neue Update auf 6.53 offiziell werden...

31.05.05 Release Total Commander 6.53 
31.05.05  Fixed: Unicode search not working on Windows 9x/ME 
31.05.05  Fixed: Corrections to help file and keyboard.txt 
31.05.05  Fixed: Delete temp dir when re-packing archive to packer plugin archive (only if the archiver deleted the files in it) 
29.05.05  Fixed: Win9x only: some media files not playing with F3 when name longer than 97 characters (bug in media player window) 
27.05.05  Fixed: Watchdirs=32 option: Free space in other panel was not updated if showing same disk, but other directory 
25.05.05 Release Total Commander 6.53 RC 1 
25.05.05   Fixed: Executing command like "notepad.exe" on the command line (including the double quotes) passed invalid parameters to the launched program 
25.05.05   Added: Two new WatchDirs options: 16: Update footer (total file sizes),  32: Update header (free disk space). May slow down operation, so enable only if really necessary. 
25.05.05   Fixed: Content plugins: Support field of type FullText also before other variables (TC reports plugin interface version 1.5 or later) 
25.05.05   Fixed: Alt+F9 unpack: When using external unrar, setting option "unpack to separate dirs" and leaving path field empty, the files may be unpacked to the target instead of the source path 
25.05.05   Fixed: Increased limit of packer plugins (extension list can now take 1 kbyte instead of 512 bytes) 
24.05.05   Fixed: Trying to access a server with cd \\server in the command line where the server has no guest account causes connect dialog. Clicking on cancel shows again connect dialog when trying to open subdir 
24.05.05   Added: Increased width of dropdown box in synchronize dirs - wildcards 
24.05.05   Fixed: Two folders aaaa and aaaaa. Rename aaaaa to a Russian 4 character name with English language settings -> it was moved to aaaa 
24.05.05   Fixed: Could not inplace rename a directory to a Unicode name (e.g. Russian on English Windows) containing spaces 
24.05.05   Fixed: If a hotkey like F2 is mapped to cm_renameonly, pressing this hotkey multiple times will select name part/name+ext of the file in alternating way 
22.05.05   Fixed: Brief view: made inplace rename window 4 pixels wider to fit in entire name (except if edit box would exceed list window width) 
19.05.05 Release Total Commander 6.53 beta 1 
19.05.05   Fixed: Plugin detect string was cut at 259 chars when adding OTHER plugin 
18.05.05   Fixed: F3 view remote ftp file twice was sometimes not working (download OK, but file not found) 
18.05.05   Fixed: If WatchDirs is enabled and a file appears above the current item during inplace rename, the wrong file may be renamed 
18.05.05   Fixed: temp dirs created under %temp%\_tc were no longer removed after deleting the file itself 
18.05.05   Added: New command line parameters /P=L and /P=R to set the active file panel (left or right panel) 
18.05.05   Fixed: Don't set attributes to 0 when creating new directory (it's no longer necessary on Win32, and causes problems with Samba) 
18.05.05   Fixed: When using the color scheme "high contrast black", the lister search dialog options were also black on black 
18.05.05   Fixed: When using the color scheme "high contrast black", print preview showed text black on black and sometimes printed white on white -> explicitly set font color to color_windowtext for preview, and black (0) for printing 
18.05.05   Fixed: FTP to IBM MVS Mainframe: Switching between tabs was not working due to error in path/url handling 
18.05.05   Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Duplicate name warning when comparing Unicode names which have the same name pattern (same length, English and spaces in same places) 
17.05.05   Fixed: Watchdirs: When a file was added above the current position while outside of TC, the selection became wrong if restoring it with '/' after switching back to TC 
17.05.05   Fixed: Watchdirs: When a file was added above the current position, the current file index changed 
16.05.05   Fixed: Tab order in search - plugins wasn't top to bottom 
16.05.05   Fixed: FTP resume upload: Some FTP servers seem to return wrong (downloaded in text mode) file size on SIZE command -> call TYPE I before calling SIZE 
15.05.05   Fixed: Command line: Executing an URL like [url][/url] didn't work if the default verb for .htm wasn't 'open'. Same fix also in button bar and start menu 
15.05.05   Fixed: Shift+F6 (inplace rename) directly at program start -> longer file name was shown displaced 
15.05.05   Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Function "Set local date to remote" was no longer available 
10.05.05   Fixed: Could not correctly switch between connections to the same FTP server with different dirs on two tabs 
10.05.05   Fixed: Unpack and Execute on NT4 with file containing a space causes file not found error 
10.05.05   Fixed: Drag&Drop: "drop forbidden" cursor circle not visible on black ground - added white border 
10.05.05   Fixed: Gzip archive with invalid extra field length could cause access violation (read beyond buffer length, no security risk since read only) 
10.05.05   Fixed: Self-extracting RAR-Archive containing ARJ archive with compression rate 0 -> TC opened the inner ARJ instead of the outer RAR archive 
10.05.05   Fixed: Lister: Trying to view AVI file with access denied error shows lister window over TC and does not repaint it 
09.05.05   Fixed: Apply button not enabled when checking the "USB stick" option 
09.05.05   Fixed: Compare between ftp and Samba network-attached drive in sync not working (reason: Samba case-sensitive) 
09.05.05   Fixed: Compare between ftp and local file in sync not working if ftp on the left side 
09.05.05   Fixed: Could no longer open compare by contents dialog if only one file or no files were selected 
09.05.05   Fixed: Mime-decoding created invalid output if the name of the file contained =? encoding and used base64 as the encoding method

Offiziell ist noch nichts zu bekommen, aber eine Page hat ihn schon online:

Informationen und Diskussionen zu diesem Programm findet Ihr ab sofort in unserer Rubrik "Software-Vorstellungen" unter diesem Link:

Total Commander vom USB-Stick starten
Auch Installer für U3-fähige USB-Sticks verfügbar

Für den Windows-Dateimanager Total Commander steht neuerdings ein Werkzeug bereit, um die Software auf einfache Weise von einem beliebigen USB-Stick zu starten. Dabei werden alle Einstellungen und Erweiterungen berücksichtigt. Zudem steht für U3-kompatible USB-Sticks ein Installer bereit.

Link zum Download

mehr dazu bei Golem
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