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Den Unsinn habe ich heute per Email bekommen:

From: james kyari <jameskyari1@netscape.net>
To: flymatic@gmx.de
Send reply to: jameskyari1@netscape.net
Subject: Dear Friend
Date sent: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 14:45:19 +0200

Dear friend,
Compliment of the day, I am JAMES KYARI, The son of late General Kubwa
Kyari of the Democratic Republic of Congo. My father was a General in the
Congolese Army. In his position (My father) with the office of the
presidentcy during the regime of Laurent Kabila, he was assigned on a
secret mission to source and acquire arms internationally in order to
strengthen the Government forces against the rebels, which already had the
support of Rwandan and Uganda Army. Meanwhile, he was still negotiating
for the purchase of the arms, he received on the 16th January 2001 news of
the assassination of Laurent Kabila which force him to call off the
assignment and deposited the sum of US$12.5M, Packed in a diplomatic case
in a private security company in the Hague, the Netherlands, though he
registered the content as precious stones while the real content is
(US12.5M) meant for the purchase of arms for the Congolese Army. My father
went home for the funeral of the late president, but on his arrival he was
arrested, detained and tortured, unfortunately my father suffer cardiac
arrest and died on the 17th of March 2001. However,one of our numerous
visits, my mother and I paid him while in prison, my father was able to
reveal this secret to me and advice that i should proceed to the
Netherlands to claim the money, he handed me all the relevant documents
that will enable me claim the box from the security company.Already, I
have made my first visit to the security company and the document entitled
to clear this money is with a finance security company in Holland. On our
arrival in the Netherlands few months ago, we sought for political asylum;
which was granted. My mother and I are making frantic effort on the best
way to handle this money. We sought advice from an attorney who advised
that we must seek for a trustworthy foreign business partner whom can
invest this fund in a profitable venture. This we view as the best option
because our refugee status dose not permit us to operate a bank account,
hence we seek your assistance and hope you could be trusted. I got your
contact from the commercial section of the congolese embassy in Belgium.
Meanwhile, I sincerely ask for your assistance to get this money through
your account, Your share for assisting us will be 25% of the total sum, 5%
will be use for upsetting all the expenses incurred in the course of
concluding this venture and the remaining 70% that will be for me and my
family. Also you stand to gain from any investment you might introduce us
into after the conclusion of the transfer. Please keep this confidential
until we finalize and get this money into your account for security
reasons. This is my e-mail address you can reach
me: (jameskyari@netscape.net) Thanks and GOD bless. MR, JAMES KYARI

Glauben die ernsthaft, dass auf diesen Unsinn jemand hereinfällt?
Hab ich letzte Woche gleich 2x bekommen,

Wenn man so liest, wer bzw wieviel überall bei Finanzgeschäften (Devisen-Goldkauf-Aktien-Diamanten)
am Telefon so reinfällt , das glaub man kaum.

Bei mir bimmelt jeden Tag mind. einer, der mir son Kram verkaufen will. :motz
Soweit mir bekannt ist, sind da schon viele Leute drauf reingefallen....wie ich gelesen und gesehen hab(TV), überwiegend Leute mit richtig gut Kohle, die vor lauter Raffgier Blind geworden sind ;) naja selber Schuld kann ich nur sagen...:D

greetz Fairy
Meine Ex hat mir sowas (da wars allerdings angeblich die Frau irgendeines reichen Diktators...) mal vor Jahren schon geschickt - geht immer wieder rum.
we seek your assistance and hope you could be trusted
Ja, genau meine Unterstützung wollen die, das ist klar :ROFLMAO:

Aber Thargor... du bist aber auch ein nicht netter Mensch, da haben die doch extra:
Please keep this confidential
Und DU postet das hier... unfassbar! :D
Wer ist denn in den vergangenen Jahren mit Bauherrenmodellen, Börsentermingeschäften etc. im großen Stil immer wieder reingefallen. Zunächst unsere Promis, aber auch viele Freiberufler, zu denen sich auch Steuerberater und Rechtsanwälte zählen, von denen man annehmen sollte, dass gerade sie bei solchen Dingen extrem vorsichtig sind.

Doch wo die Gier Einzug hält, setzt der Verstand aus.