eine kleine Hilfe


kennt sich schon aus
For all our English speeking friends...
This is the ultimate Hessisch-English Dictionary for all our
colleagues who intend to make a business trip to our Headoffice in Frankfurt and
get lost somewhere between the airport and Sachsenhausen.

| Aaascheeeebescheer | = | Ashtray
| ald Atzel | = | Old magpie (i.e. elderly woman)
| Anner | = | The other one
| Babba | = | Father
| babbele | = | to speak
| Babber | = | Glue
| babbisch | = | sticky
| Bagasch | = | Mob
| B-Ebene | = | Famous place beneath the Frankfurter
| | | Hauptwache
| bedubbe | = | to cheat
| wie bei de Hembels | = | Colloquial: legendary place that
| unnerm Sofa | | everybody knows but nobody has
| | | ever seen.
Similar to "wie in
| | | Buxtehuud uffm Entemarggt"
| beleidischd | = | Sensitive person
| Lebberworscht | |
| Bembel | = | Jug for famous Hessian beverage
| Bembelsche | = | Small jug for famous Hessian beverage
| Blümmelscher | = | Small flower bouquet
| Bobbelsche | = | Little child, baby
| Bosse mache | = | to do something stupid
| Brezzel | = | Pretzel
| Brüggelsche | = | Small bridge
| brunze | = | to urinate
| Bumbesje | = | Audible flatulence
| bummbe | = | to beat, hit
| dabbisch | = | awkward
| Dasch | = | Bag, pocket
| Derrabbel | = | Skinny man
| de geht ran wie de | = | Not very shy person
| Flocki ans Gehaggte | |
| des zischt wie | = | "that fizzes like apple juice"
| Abbelsaft
| Dibbe | = | Pot
| Dibbemess' | = | Frankfurt public festival
| Dollbohrer | = | Awkward person also known as
| | | "Hannebambel"
| Dorschenanner | = | A big mess
| dozze lasse | = | to drop something
| Dreggwatz | = | Dirty person
| dribbe | = | over there
| druff | = | up there
| Dubbe | = | blot of paint; also: to be somewhat
| Dummbabbler | = | Someone who talks too much. Similar
| | | "Sabbelschnuut"
| Dutt | = | Bag
| Ebbel | = | Apple
| Ebbelwoi | = | famous Hessian beverage
| enuff | = | up
| enunner | = | down
| Erbaame! Zu spät! Die | = | Hessian National Anthem
| Hesse komme! | |
| Erbbsezähler | = | Thrifty person, also:pedantic
| fuddele | = | to work not very accurately
| Fulder | = | Dull person
| gauze | = | to bark
| Geknoddel | = | Total mess
| Grabba | = | Popular Italian alcoholic beverage
| Grädediersche | = | Small fish
| Grie Soß | = | Popular Frankfurt dish
| gugge | = | to watch
| Gummer | = | Cucumber
| Guuuude ! | = | Hello, nice to see you!
| Ei Guuuude wiie? | = | Hello, nice to see you!How are you
| | | today?
| Wo meschste hie? | = | Where are you going?
| Guutsje | = | Candy
| Häusje | = | Small house, hut
| Hauptwach | = | Frankfurt Times Square
| de heilische Heinz | = | Hessian saint (Heinz Schenk), also
| | = | as "David Bowie"
| Herruff ! | = | Stop! Similar to:"Mooomendemal"
| Hessisch-Kongo | = | Area south of Darmstadt
| Hessisch-Sibirie | = | Area north of Giessen
| Hibbe | = | over there; to jump
| Hibbelisch | = | nervous
| Hinkel | = | Chicken
| Hogge | = | to sit
| Horschemol! | = | Listen!
| Huddele | = | to do something not seriously enough
| Kaa Bock net | = | unmotivated
| Kaff | = | Small town
| Kerrnsche | = | Small car
| Kipp | = | Cigarette
| Klaa | = | small
| Knorze | = | to do something without much accuracy
| Labbe | = | Washcloth
| Lebbe geht weider | = | Hessian motto like "Don't worry, be
| | | happy"
| Lebbern | = | to drink
| Lumbeseggel | = | Furtive person
| Maaaa | = | Big sewage pipe through Frankfurt
| Mobbelsche | = | Not even skinny person.Similar
| | | to:"Pummelsche"
| Mooomendemal ! | = | Stop! Similar to:"Herruff"
| Naggisch | = | naked
| Nippes | = | Useless things
| Offebach | = | Frankfurt Bronx
| Balmegadde | = | Famous botanical garden in Frankfurt
| Petze | = | to drink
| Plärre | = | to cry
| Sabber | = | Saliva
| Schlammbes | = | Mud
| Schlappefligger | = | Unreliable person
| Schorsch | = | George
| Schnalle | = | to understand; also colloquial for
| Schnegge tschegge | = | To watch nice girls
| Schnibbelsche | = | Little piece
| Schnuggelsche | = | Candy; cute girl
| Schnuuud | = | Mouth
| Schodder | = | cash, money
| Schoppe | = | A glass of a famous Hessian beverage
| | | (apple wine)
| Schöppsche | = | A small glass of a famous Hessian
| | | beverage
| Schwanger Lersch | = | Fat (female) person
| sisch ablesche | = | to go to sleep
| Simbel | = | Simpleton
| Spitzklicker | = | Faultfinder
| Stinkstibbel | = | Unbearable male person
| Stinkwatz | = | Smelly person
| Uffgeblase | = | arrogant
| Uffgebretzelt | = | dressed to kill
| Uffgestumbt | = | small
| Uffmugge | = | Rebelling. Similar to:"uffsaessisch"
| Uffrabbele | = | to get up; to pull oneself together
| Uffschnitt | = | Only Hessian sausage starting with an
| Urrumbel | = | Native
| Veraaasche | = | to make fun of someone
| Vergliggern | = | to explain
| volle Lotte | = | Full power
| Werrmscher | = | Small worms
| Wutz | = | Pig; dirty person
| Zeil | = | Broadway in Frankfurt
| Zorres | = | Heated argumentation
| Zuggerschneggsche | = | Sweet round biscuits;also: pet name
| | = | for girlfriend

Popular Hessian Phrases:

What's goin' on?

Kumm Hoiner, steck der a ao o
Do you want to smoke, Henrik?

Was hattan da de Babba da?
What has the father in his hand?

Kummschd uff Pfingschd uff Pfungschd?
Do you come on Whitsun to Pfungstadt?

Hinne anne geihts no Branne
The way to Brandau starts at the backside (of the house)

Aasch glaab s gehd lous!
Are you nuts?

Bread without meat

Du ahle Babbsagg!
You suck!

Excuse me Sir, could you please be so kind to repeat your statement.
I couldn't hear you well.

Mer waases net.
We don't know.

Derft isch emohl eier Metzelsopp vesuuche?
May I taste your battlesoup?

Morsche! - Aach Morsche!
Good morning to you! - Good morning to you, too!

Des is abber babbisch!
This is a little sticky!

Die hat do en Dubbe!
She is nuts!

Mer laaft de brieh de stern enunnee.
Sweat is running down my face.

Heit brennt de Planeeet widder.
It's really hot today.

Pay attention

Isch werd rischtisch rammdoesisch
I'm feeling kind of weird

Kenndisch graad verriggd werrn!
I'm going mad

Ooch gee haahm!
Be off with you, you foolish person!

Isch mach weidea.
Good bye.
dadurch, daß ich Englisch beherrsche, verstehe nun endlich auch die Hessen - das hat doch auch was...:ROFLMAO:
nun, ob hessisch wert ist, verstanden zu werden, möchte ich mit meiner "Berliner Schnauze" lieber nicht beurteilen;) .